快好知 kuaihz

181 The clean smell of pine tar rose in the air, and Sam began counting rings. 182 There were myriad purple finches, goldfinches, red polls, and pine siskins. 183 Around a pine table sat a beautiful girl with two men. 184 The hill feels peaceful in spite of tourists: it's surrounded by fragrant pine trees and deafeningly noisy with cicadas. 185 They had not mentioned Kiwi fruit, nor the avocado and they definitely hadn't warned him about the pine kernels. 186 Pine Valley residents are up in arms about plans to build a prison in the area. 187 He installed 17 white marble replicas of Michelangelo's David statue where the pine trees had stood. 188 Preheat oven to 325 F.. Toast pine nuts in preheated oven until they are lightly golden, about 8 minutes. 189 Add pine nuts and sauce and bring to a gentle boil. 190 When he had his bearings he plunged into the pine forest, heading east. 191 He found a few others: a sphagnum moss peat bog can repel the invasion of pine trees for thousands of years. 192 It is a dark and brooding pine forest thick with raiders, bandits, and Chaos warbands. 193 Good country house furniture in mahogany and pine, plus silver, brass and pictures, are on sale. 194 Good pine shavings are best as they contain resin, which also acts as an insect repellent. 195 She wore a floor-length pine green skirt with a matching jacket. 196 A sound comes out of his mouth like a nail being out of a plank of green pine. 197 Underneath some shabby canvas tarps on the cargo deck were stacked a dozen bulky mattresses and twenty thick pine boards. 198 A mahogany breakfast table sold at £200; an astral glazed pine cupboard £200 and a marble top washstand £180. 199 Sunday roasts are her speciality, with the whole family sitting around an old pine table. 200 The building, photogenic but antiquated, stood among clusters of oak and pine. 201 Kenny stabbed the toe of his shoe into the layer of pine needles, digging for the dirt beneath. 202 Mission furniture mixed with Adirondack twisted hickory and painted old pine. 203 By 1984, half the supply of spruce, pine, beech and oak had some degree of unnatural damage. 204 I was sitting upright in a pine coffin high on a marble pedestal and wearing a delicate silk gown of pure white. 204try its best to gather and create good sentences. 205 Rachaela walked along the path, in among the pine trees with the sullen roar of the sea to her right. 206 The route peeks in and out of fir and pine, a gentle grade, just a 450-foot gain over 3 miles. 207 Acid rain has caused serious damage to the pine forests of northern Europe. 208 Some were sprinkled with pine needles, having just been engaged in decking out the hall with fresh sprays of evergreen. 209 The forests are mostly mixes of loblolly pine and sweet gum, with a holly and huckleberry understory. 210 The mountain at his feet was seamed with deep canyons and clothed with forests of pine and spruce.