consumption造句91. The regenerative cars had not shown the expected economies and indeed they were responsible for excessive current consumption.
92. Increasingly attention is paid to the four lifestyle areas of smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise and diet.
93. Vitamin C consumption increased considerably from 1965 to 1977. 8.
94. The taxing of consumption does make current saving more attractive.
95. That fundamental conflict between consumption and conservation has both sides of the molecular forestry debate waving environmental banners.
96. They were not accounted for in private consumption expenditure, general government expenditure, or domestic capital formation.
97. It now appears that daily consumption of one or two standard alcoholic drinks reduces the risk of heart disease.
98. In Stockholm seroprevalence fell during 1969-87, coincident with increased consumption of frozen meat.
99. Similarly, conspicuous consumption or display is now regarded as an acceptable form of behaviour.
100. Without it, the gain is smaller and confined to the consumption benefit of cheaper imports.
101. This juggling is mostly unconscious: they automatically adjust their consumption of both drugs to maintain a desired physical or mental state.
102. This means an increase of some 30% in energy consumption by the year 2000.
103. Foreign imports such as colour television sets and hi-fi systems cram shop windows, catering to demands for conspicuous consumption.
104. Warning: Moderate consumption of this product is likely to cause pronounced belching and bad breath.
105. The council has managed to reduce its overall energy consumption by 16 percent since 1979.
106. Much of the cider produced was for local consumption, with farmers bringing in their cartloads of apples for processing.
107. Survey calls time on fears Government concerns that the 1988 Licensing Act would encourage greater consumption of alcohol have been proved unfounded.
108. Most commercial market research is concerned simply with measuring consumption patterns, and that requires far less accuracy than political research.
109. The incidence of severe pancreatitis discharges among adult men also correlated significantly with the alcohol consumption in the country.
110. People who are behind with their electricity bills could find themselves restricted to a consumption of as little as one kilowatt.
111. The consumption line C represents the relationship between consumption and income.
112. Most of these probably end up cracked at home for domestic consumption.
113. This means that average and aggregate levels of measured consumption must equal permanent consumption.
114. Veal and mutton too have decreased in per capita consumption during the past five years.
115. Moreover, imbalances arose within the economy as a whole, in particular between consumption goods and capital goods.
116. Britain has the highest chocolate consumption in the world, far more than any other country.
117. Others factors can be, such as obesity, high alcohol consumption and lack of exercise.
118. The survey focused on four major factors: diet, exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption.
119. Accordingly, he had restrained his own consumption just as Cunningham's had begun to accelerate out of control.
120. It's also worth remembering that air conditioning increases fuel consumption by as much as ten per cent.