legacy造句181, In the inheritance of legacy shares, it mainly explored "Legitimate successor" as well as the legatee of the scope of the disposal options.
182, During card insertion, orinoco_cs, like legacy network device drivers, invokes register_netdev to get an ethX network interface name assigned to the WLAN interface.
183, As technology hurtles forward, we must think back to that legacy.
184, Here we see Machiavelli's legacy transmuted in Hobbes's philosophy of power.
185, Leaving aside a faint resemblance to Nickelodeon Jr.'s Dora the Explorer, we like the idea of a video game that can teach kids to avoid the deadly consequences of warfare's long legacy.
186, This recyclable and self-contained nature is a legacy of Microsoft's earlier object oriented applications effort, the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) standard.
187, This method of exposing legacy AS/400 programs is reliable since it uses JTOpen with IBM support and is easier for Java developers due to awareness of open standards like web services.
188, Most IrDa chips in the SIR mode are UART 16650-compatible (16650 is a common PC UART), so the legacy Linux serial port drivers can serve as link-level drivers.
189, We have numerous success stories from all around the company, in reducing boilerplate and making it easier for new engineers to come on board and learn the complex inner workings of legacy code.
190, Article 21 Where there are obligations attached to testamentary succession or legacy, the successor or legatee shall perform them.
191, Article 34 The carrying out of a legacy shall not affect the payment of taxes and debts payable by the legator according to law.
191,try its best to gather and build good sentences.
192, Playboy's Asian fans -- most unaware of Hugh Hefner's legacy in the United States -- snap up shirts, bags, and belts bearing the rabbit logo in malls across the continent.
193, Otherwise, it risks irrevocably damaging the historic legacy of the 2008 Games.
194, But for me, it was the legacy of Byron and the Shelleys — and thejuxtaposition of such larger-than-life characters in such a pristinebuttoned-down place that gave Lake Geneva its most powerful allure.
195, The legacy of past policies weighs heavily upon current ones.
196, The Wagner clan, he writes, inherited " a glorious but poisoned legacy ".
197, Your legacy stylesheets do not need prefixes on the standard function names to run in a 2.0 processor.
198, Users continue to invoke the legacy IT systems using the original application means, typically through a user interface (such as a mainframe dumb terminal or a packaged application's UI).
199, Dolly's legacy includes the possibility of making patient - specific embryonic stem cell lines.
200, Are you living in faith and obedience to Him? What be the legacy of your life?
201, The aquarium where Paul lived first mooted the idea of erecting a memorial to the octopus after his death last year and now the soothsayer's legacy has been enshrined with the permanent monument.
202, A more judicious approach would be to first do top-down, then goal-service modeling, and finally bottom-up legacy analysis of existing assets.
203, The foreign policy legacy of Gorchakov is of great importance to Russia as it advocates and pushes a domestic priority strategy while pursuing a more sober-minded pragmatic foreign policy.
204, Six months on from the end of the Olympics and Holmes is doing her bit for the much-vaunted legacy.
205, Play through 10 thrilling stages as both Lawrence Talbot and The Wolfman and experience the brute strength and insatiable bloodlust that launched a legacy of horror!
206, A legacy of decades of lead and zinc mining have left a city poisoned by debilitating concentrations of lead dust in the soil and by metals in the water.
207, As I reflect on my potential legacy on this Father's Day , Grandpa Switzer gives me something to aim for .
208, The catalog service was then implemented by a service controller, and this controller accessed the legacy catalog application to provision the catalog data required by the catalog service.
209, India celebrates Mahatma Gandhi legacy by releasing 209 prisoners throughout the country.
210, Mr Rove 's departure has also set off a debate about his legacy.