dominant造句91. The danger for almost all golfers is that the right side tends to be dominant at the start of the downswing.
92. In this sense too, popular art was closer to the dominant ethos of the age than its high art counterparts.
93. It is those who do not come from those dominant traditions who have to make the sympathetic adjustment.
94. He further demonstrates that what is being tested is often the social conventions of a dominant class, rather than universal logic.
95. He will be a dominant figure at home and abroad, whether he likes it or not.
96. The dominant male ethos even leads to an unspoken complicity between cop and criminal.
97. This probably evolved from a harem system where the females combined forces to overpower and drive out the dominant male.
98. The primates attained their dominant positions through a combination of military skill, physical prowess, and personal magnetism.
99. Kuhn argues that science education is characterized by an uncritical teaching of the dominant paradigm within a subject.
100. The relationship between the bureaucracy and other institutions is not a consequence of the exercise of political power by the dominant class.
101. Nevertheless, not withstanding the adoption of an analytical method, the dominant tradition is both anti-rationalist and anti-formalist in conception.
102. Restrictive practices. Dominant position. Public office. Relevant market.
103. It is a dominant genetic disease.
104. The dominant in a given key or tonality.
105. Turquoise and steel are not dominant over each other.
106. The dominant hippo and his family.
107. The dominant hemisphere of olfaction is the right hemisphere.
108. Secular Humanism as the dominant faith of the elite.
109. HHT is an autosomal dominant disordercharacterized by vascular dysplasia.
110. The dominant element of the interior is the Scout - specific upholstery.
111. A novel nonlinear proportion control algorithm is proposed for integrator processes with dominant time - delay.
112. The latter was dominant at subtidal. area , but fewer at intertidal area.
113. Numerous cysts appear in this liver from a patient with dominant polycystic kidney disease ( DPKD ).
114. Small - middle size soil animals belong to 5 phylum, 6 class, 9 order, 7 famility. The dominant groups is Nematoda.
115. Self - control in children refers to their ability to suppress a dominant response and a subdominant response.
116. Since then , Fudan Microelectronics has successfully taken a dominant position of the ASIC industry in China.
117. Piglets weaned at four weeks, milk intake is the dominant feature of their growth.
118. This dominant OTU 1 group was further investigated by a genomic fingerprinting technique, ERIC _ PCR.
119. Like breast milk, Karicare Gold Starter Formula is whey dominant.
120. It is related to her prior infestation by the dominant parasitical species here.