principal造句241. He then served on county staff development staffs until becoming assistant principal at Bryant in 1998.
242. The principal aim seems to be to find out how far it can be extended.
243. The attention of all the principal aid donors is concentrated there.
244. Edward Balliol would not be couched down there, but upstairs in one of the principal bedchambers, for sure.
245. Two funds were frozen by the government; others declared bankruptcy or slashed their interest rates and stopped paying back principal.
246. When an agent makes a contract either the principal is liable or the agent is liable for a breach of authority.
247. In this chapter, however, we want to adumbrate the principal features of the continuum view of non-linear viscoelasticity.
248. Accommodation Eleven years as the principal tour operators in Nidri enable us to choose the best accommodation in town.
249. The principal motivation for this comparison is to help decisions about the allocation of health care resources.
250. These principal chief officers should in appropriate cases be responsible for more than one department.
251. The principal technical problems which had to be resolved were breakage due to heavy-duty service and abuse.
252. But his principal contribution was in the field of civil engineering, as a builder of road and railway bridges.
253. Much of that sentiment stems from the transfer in March of Gloria Nogales-Talley, a popular Latina assistant principal.
254. The meeting of both needs have been greatly helped by the appointment of Principal Subject Assessors in the larger cognate groups.
255. The President trusted him so much that he conferred on him the role of "Principal Advisor".
256. Similarly, a New York court ruled that a school district could transfer a teacher who married her assistant principal.
257. Information booklet on your chosen resort, including a guide to the principal places of interest.
258. The principal example for the latter occurs when the shareholder wants to borrow on the security of his shares.
259. The principal product of Pittsburgh is steel.
260. I principal prodotti e prodotti per la casa , computer, server, plotter , come i notebook.
261. Article 398 Prepay Expenses The principal shall prepay the expenses for handling the entrusted affair.
262. The principal shall prepay the expenses for handling the entrusted affair.
263. When the principal asked who had broken the vase, Tom played possum.
264. Plano principal da constru & ccedil ; & atilde ; o.
265. Having all principal parts , namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil pistils . Used of a flower.
266. Double row cylindrical roller bearing is applied on machine tool principal axis.
267. Acting heavy machine, Pegasus, the Principal brand - name sewing machines.
268. Finally, the discussion is carried out about how to improve the stiffness of central principal axis.
269. Phloem elements and adjacent tissues are the principal feeding sites for most aphids.
270. Wang Ruolin ( Principal ). A pensive look, he is thinking about?