快好知 kuaihz

31, By contrast, taxpayer standing is likely to be heavily dependent on the detailed facts. 32, The general policy is to set off overpayments in the manner that is most advantageous to the taxpayer. 33, Unemployment is up, and the poor old taxpayer has to foot the bill, as usual. 34, For the higher rate taxpayer, the situation is more complex, but less serious than that facing the basic rate taxpayer. 35, However, there are times when the taxpayer will want to become domiciled in the United Kingdom. 36, Among other things, this raises the income limits for deducting contributions by a taxpayer with a pension plan. 37, The lack of sponsors has meant the taxpayer has had to foot more of the bill. 38, The long-term answer lies in a case decision favourable to the taxpayer on this very point. 39, It will be, as usual, the taxpayer who will be footing the bill. 40, These expenses, of course, are taxpayer dollars -- spent because of a myth. 41, Each £100 investment will cost a higher rate taxpayer only £60, and a basic rate taxpayer £78. 42, There are a considerable number of provisions which the taxpayer must carefully take into account when setting up an overseas trust. 43, Anyone who is a taxpayer, especially those liable at 40p in the pound, will find these schemes attractive. 44, University capital investment in 1992-93 - money provided by the taxpayer - will amount to £216 million. 45, Any specific requests from the taxpayer regarding reallocations must be honoured by the collector. 46, Or because taxpayer money is better spent on warehousing more dangerous and deadly criminals. 47, The scheme was subsidised by the taxpayer in the granting to employers of a sizeable rebate on each statutory redundancy payment made. 48, For the retrial, there is no agreement; the brothers were defended at taxpayer expense. 49, Why, he asked, should the taxpayer shoulder the burden of expropriation? 50, Third parties are unlikely to be able to challenge concessions granted to a taxpayer. 51, Are you a higher rate taxpayer, or do you pay the basic rate? 52, Neither has much relation to local services used by the taxpayer. 53, The taxpayer had carried on in Hong Kong the business of exploiting rights by granting sub-licences to overseas customers. 54, The taxpayer contended that he did not have full information available to enable him to complete the returns. 55, And a proposal that the city require companies receiving taxpayer subsidies to pay higher wages also went nowhere. 56, Britain's newest taxpayer took her economy drive even further by visiting the Oxford Oxfam shop. 57, The public ceremonies will cost an additional $ 12 million in taxpayer funds. 58, The cost of Christmas cards, free parcels and telegrams is costing the taxpayer millions of pounds, it was claimed yesterday. 59, For example, a basic rate taxpayer currently receives a net dividend distribution of £75 on his equity investment. 60, Quite what the taxpayer got for the extra money is not readily apparent.