快好知 kuaihz

181. As results depend on the assumptions, those chosen for these examples are deliberately modest. 182. I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able to help.Maya Angelou 183. Though modest, Lucy admits she gets a buzz from seeing the characters she creates come to life on the screen. 184. He worked with others for a strong resolution against cruelty to marine animals, but with only modest success. 185. The hairdresser gave her hair a modest tinting. 186. My personal judgement suggests modest optimism. 187. " No modest,[http://] matronly dove grays and lilacs tonight. 188. Refrigeration equipment and laundry equipment will experience modest gains. 189. Sitting slantingly beside the teacher, he is modest and humble. 190. We will have at any rate in our cathedral a decent , godly , modest morning service. 191. Modest, unassuming , easy to approach, Premier Zhou soon put everyone there completely at ease. 192. Gordon:'re too modest It's and written and offers some very well thought out conclusions. 193. Here, too, Chinese caution suggests a modest revaluation is most likely. 194. Tom is too comfortably ensconced in his modest, undemanding job ever to consider making a change. 195. Mr Lee is one of the very few modest, unassertive personalities in the company. 196. The holists reject the piecemeal approach as being too modest. 197. Although one of China's richest men, he dresses inexpensively and lives in a modest Beijing apartment. 198. The administration of succinylcholine results in transient and modest increases in intracranial pressure. 199. Mourinho was modest afterwards, acknowledging the wild swings in hyperbole to which the media are prone. 200. Her eyes, however, betrayed that perfect confidence which contradicted the girlish simplicity of this modest attire. 201. Many in Germany saw the modest 74 - year - old as a hapless victim of the credit crunch. 202. A modest investment in the latest technology can save enormous amounts of time and travel expense. 203. Dr. Todt was one of the very few modest, unassertive personalities in the government. 204. I was a modest, good - humoured boy; it is Oxford that has made me insufferable. 205. Modest industrialisation centred on North - Eastern region, introduction of first Five - Year Plan in 1953. 206. We should be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness. 207. But he's very modest about it, even though he is probably the biggest heartthrob over there. 208. After clean skin Toner, from modest pat on surface to absorb. 209. The whole place had an air of tidiness and modest comfort. 210. His manner was often offensively supercilious, and then again modest and self - effacing, almost tremulous.