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181. The narrative pulls you along like a runaway train. 182. Decomposition and Reconstruction: On Cubism Narrative of Absalom, Absalom! 183. The narrative was interlaced with anecdotes. 184. Brevity is a stylistic feature of this narrative. 185. Narrative psychology is an original model of psychotherapy. 186. Hence, we must re-investigate the value of narrative classics of Chinese contemporary literature, comb out problems in them to better the construction of classics of contemporary literature. 187. If there is any positive message at all in the narrative it is that life is a tragedy filled with suffering and despair and yet some people do manage to avoid jury duty. 188. Before we subscribe to the narrative of decline promoted by critics of the university, we might think of the narrow-mindedness of our educational beginnings. 189. The narrative voice symbolizes collective power, reflecting the social function of black art. 190. As usual, Mr. Ferguson, who teaches in Harvard's history department and business school, uses his powerful narrative talents in these pages to give the reader a highly tactile sense of history. 191. Sir Lawrence's subtle narrative a marvel of concision, even over more than 500 pages. 192. It is a record of events, with interpretative comments woven into the narrative. 193. It holds that this uncertainty fundamentally results from Henry James's dramatization of the narrative. " 194. The theme of"disillusion"in the urban fiction is composed of three levels:li fe, living and being, and includes two narrative structures"linear dev elopm ent" and"transverse apposition". 195. This paper a primary critical review of theoretical contexts, conceptual and practical framework of narrative therapy. 196. His narrative is a super rendering of dialect speech and idiom. 197. There are 5 patterns in the TV news comment on the typological angels: inserted comment, expositive comment, narrative comment, mutual comment and miscellaneous comment. 198. The sentimentalism novel, together with other novel types, has facilitated the Chinese novel narrative from the tradition to the modern. 199. The third - person narrative is adopted in Jade Snow Wong s autobiographic novel Fifth Chinese Daughter. 200. This enables his country, the collective to be higher than the simple graphic solution narrative. 201. Evidence of the effectiveness of narrative as a design tool is all around us. 202. Fractured experiences mixed with sprung rhythm elements in the narrative and dialogue make the novel unique, different from other things published in Canada. 203. Last but not least, the" digressive style"which separated from principal plot, adjusts the narrative rhythm and adds appeal to the language. 204. This narrative is about folks who died trying to cross the beach code named Omaha - Bloody Omaha. 205. These strategy cause calm and objective narrative style, and make her a particular authoress. 206. Generally speaking , Tacitus historiography contains three narrative arrangements, scilicet macro view , middle view and micro view. 207. Discuss on the Narrative Art of Cubist in Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! 208. The narrative approach in her novels includes a unique perspective of children′s narrative, omniscient narrative style, easeful emotional narration and interspersed type of local narration. 209. The length of his narrative and his fluency surprised him. 210. The interpretation of that finding is that women tend to respond more to narrative and word play than slap stick.