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61. Of course there is plenty of room for disagreement in this controversial area. 62. The reform of arbitration procedure is a controversial subject, with many wishing to detach arbitration from close adherence to litigation procedures. 63. But their details are often still controversial and their meaning can only be appreciated by placing them in context. 64. What followed was the most controversial at-bat of the game. 65. In contrast to all other social welfare policies, public assistance programmes for the poor are the most controversial. 66. Table 16-2 picks out the most controversial aspect of the tax system, the marginal rate of income tax. 67. Nixon's advisers impressed upon him that such a controversial figure could not be confirmed by an overwhelmingly Democratic congress. 68. A controversial survey done by astronomers at Durham and London may provide yet more evidence against it. 69. Weinstein said Mistic, whose edgy advertising includes controversial basketball star Dennis Rodman, is strongest among young, inner-city consumers. 70. The sensitivity needed in this area calls for an emphasis on certain points before the more controversial ones are attempted. 71. Performance in education is complex, controversial and should properly be set in the context of long time scales. 72. One of the most controversial areas of intervention by these new-style Labour councils was Equal Opportunities. 73. Do teachers have the right to circulate controversial petitions on school premises? 74. On a somewhat more controversial issue, Mr Milburn and Mr Bergg said they would support a ban on fox hunting. 75. But Harding is a superb pitcher, with a controversial past and could help the Aussies to a strong showing. 76. The bill has proved controversial, especially over the issue of whether deep burial should be considered permanent or not. 77. Clark said the assumption that decomposition creates high levels of alcohol is controversial among pathologists. 78. Ranging from advice on digging a pond, the importance of the village bobby to controversial political and conservation issues. 79. The trial of Shbeilat and Qarrash had been highly controversial. 80. Freud later developed the technique of free association, a triumph which is often neglected in the discussion of his controversial theories. 81. Such freedom is one of the most controversial areas in the scheme. 82. The result was a highly controversial draw, most ringside commentators agreeing that Hope deserved victory. 83. The Company magazine is also criticised for carrying another controversial Benetton advertisement showing a black soldier holding a human thigh bone. 84. Clinical ecology is one of the more controversial forms of alternative medicine. 85. Additionally the controversial fast breeder and high temperature reactor projects are being re-examined. 86. The Public Order Act was a necessary but highly controversial piece of legislation. 87. Many of these were highly political, some also highly controversial. 88. Maxwell soon became a controversial figure in the world of big business. 89. City College was a radical and controversial experiment long before the advent of open admissions. 90. An angry Jones was involved in an ugly confrontation with the Middlesbrough bench after Wimbledon conceded a controversial first goal on Saturday.