membership造句121. Membership also provides extra ammunition to defend the pound if currency markets take fright at the election result.
122. What about which year joined as alternative to years of Membership, since some may have joined as an Associate?
123. Families aren't easy to join. They're like an exclusive country club where membership makes impossible demands and the dues for an outsider are exorbitant.Erma Bombeck
124. So he threw open the gates and welcomed all baptized persons into full church membership.
125. That began to change in recent years, as the Academy membership took on new blood.
126. To apply for Membership and to claim your free introductory book, simply complete, sign and return the Membership Application.
127. In actual fact, membershiP Patterns differ from one country to the next.
128. Membership of East Berlin's Akademie depended on government approval more than on artistic merit.
129. Only 45 % said they felt that their country had benefited from membership.
130. These should be regarded as best practice guides, covering matters of importance to the membership.
131. A temporary membership fee is $ 5, an annual fee about $ 25.
132. But unlike their counterparts at Nissan and Toyota, none enjoys the full benefits of trade union membership.
133. A satisfactory surplus has been achieved and the effect of the decline in membership and examination entries has been contained.
134. It was about this time that Fred McKinley was invited to apply for membership.
135. External Affairs; with a Nominations Committee to advise on board membership.
136. After I had published a dozen pieces, I could apply for full membership.
137. But the committed membership are not those best able to give an accurate assessment.
138. Cross-cutting membership of groups means that demands are tempered because people have different interests that are articulated through multiple associations.
139. Play Matters is the national toy library association and membership costs £17.50 a year for unlimited access to toys!
140. This does not apply to membership or employment in any public body, e.g., an electricity authority.
141. The Society has also applied for membership of the Association of Independent Museums.
142. Excommunication also remained out of the question because much of the Church membership stood in awe of these exploits.
143. Membership dropped by 23,000 last year to 265,000, although officials say additional members attracted this year has almost offset that loss.
144. Participants must enroll in advance and pay a $ 40 annual membership fee.
145. But they are banned from party membership and can not vote for the party at election time.
146. It did not imply membership of a social circle but an attitude of mind.
147. Green party annual income is about £250,000 a year, and membership is currently rising.
148. The Council of the Research Defence Society reserves absolute discretion as to who shall be elected to membership.
149. Membership of a group may provide an individual with a sense of belonging.
150. Could the government ban union membership amongst civil servants working at its intelligence headquarters without consulting union leaders?