qualify造句(91) It is clearly pointless and ineffective to qualify community interpreters without the professional cooperation of the services.
(92) Applicants with suitable experience in industry may qualify for special awards.
(93) So far they have gained little official recognition and therefore do not automatically qualify for government grants to students.
(94) Although they will not qualify for discounts or bonus shares, they will get a larger allocation.
(95) She was determined he should qualify as a doctor and just as determined that he should practise here.
(96) Organizers need the valid signatures of 480, 000 voters by April 19 to qualify for the November ballot.
(97) To qualify for the higher limit, disablement must occur before reaching pensionable age.
(98) To qualify for the competition entrants should have a clear, fresh complexion and be between three and nine years old.
(99) Some aliens may qualify for citizenship under the new law.
(100) So he has accepted their challenge to run a marathon in 2 hours, 10 minutes, 45 seconds to qualify.
(101) In order to qualify for the award of a certificate, the candidate must complete at least 4 assignments successfully.
(102) Clearly, a bank trust corporation will qualify and so should an accountant acting in a professional capacity.
(103) But of course they did not circulate beyond the commuter belt, so they failed to qualify as nationals on that ground.
(104) First of all turn one's back on the bloody war, then qualify for some career.
(105) To qualify for air time, volunteers for a particular candidate would have to collect a certain number of voter signatures.
(106) You need £100 in your account to qualify for free banking.
(107) Young people up to 14 qualify for free treatment but not dentures.
(108) However, an agreement did not qualify for exemption if its beneficial effects were only indispensable within a national market.
(109) To qualify for an alarm discount previously it was necessary for an annual maintenance agreement to be in force./qualify.html
(110) There are among honey bees three reported examples that appear at first glance to qualify as cognitive trial-and-error.
(111) They have to earn £20, 000 a year to qualify for the charge card.
(112) Would allow each county to decide how to serve able-bodied adults who do not qualify for other programs.
(113) Retail developments will not qualify for industrial buildings allowances. Capital allowances on plant and machinery.
(114) When making your booking, please quote your subscription number to qualify for the discount.
(115) Only nations that reduce their budget deficits to 3 percent of gross domestic product and accumulated debt to 60 percent automatically qualify.
(116) FamiJy coverage was only for heads of household, he said, and women were automatically assumed not to qualify.
(117) Such expenditure will qualify for the initial allowance where the new contract meets the conditions set out above.
(118) Supporters must collect enough signatures by Feb. 21 to qualify the initiative for the ballot.
(119) Many young people did not qualify and were in danger of being caught up in crime.
(120) Most employers require inspectors to have a high school diploma or equivalent even when they qualify on the basis of experience.