快好知 kuaihz

31, I read in the newspapers they are going to have 30 minutes of intellectual stuff on television every Monday from 7:30 to 8. to educate America. They couldn't educate America if they started at 6:30.Groucho Marx 32, I would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope they were entertained.Walt Disney 33, Instead of television that at least attempts to inform, educate or entertain the innocent, National Lottery Live! 34, We all need to be told we look good, so try to educate your family to support you in this way. 35, It will also inform, educate, surprise, inspire trust and show authority. 36, Another necessary step involves helping to educate those who are less interested and less likely to make an effort to educate themselves. 37, When you take prescription or over-the-counter medication, you should educate yourself on the possible side effects. 38, Underfunded and paralyzed by provincial bureaucracies, these old schools had failed to educate. 39, To make welfare reform work, you need some one to take care of and educate children. 40, Doe case that public schools were obligated to educate all children, even those in the country illegally. 41, Educate childen with a spiritual sense of service to others and respectful interaction with nature? 42, A proclaimed concern for client groups - doctors exist to serve their patients, teachers to educate their students. 6. 43, All that matters is to educate the local predators, and that can be done with different colours in different places. 44, Unschooled himself, Tulliver wants to educate his son Tom, although his daughter Maggie is more acute. 45, We look everywhere but at our values for explanations of the failures to educate children or protect them from abuse. 46, One remedy for racial attacks would be to educate our children more about social issues. 47, And what made matters more complicated was that City College had chosen to educate precisely such students as these. 48, Morgan Hill schools educate rural low-income children and children from middleand high-income neighborhoods. 49, The task of the school is to educate and to influence the growing mind of the child through knowledge. 50, The couple worked hard, and managed to raise and educate three children and to buy a house. 51, So long as the possibility remained that nothing would happen they felt no compulsion to educate themselves. 52, She also gave up her profession to educate the girls. 53, On moving here Laura had crises of conscience about how best to educate her youngest child. 54, But it takes two to get pregnant, and it is just as important to educate boys about contraception. 55, Now we need to educate ourselves, the people we work with, and our children to the truth about women bosses. 56, We also educate young people in schools about the dangers of drug use. 57, Their high-kitsch varnish was offset by an overwhelming urge to educate. 58, Families in the lowest income group could not afford to educate their children. 59, It does not matter whether the purpose is to educate or edify, to corrupt or simply to make money. 60, Parents therefore have a grave duty to educate the family in a critical use of the means of social communication.