rapid造句241, The recession, inflation, and high food costs caused rapid growth in the number of food co-ops.
242, Another contributing factor to the flourishing trade is the rapid destruction of the animal's habitat by mining and logging companies.
243, Monkeys have a minor version of our tendency to use the left brain for listening carefully to rapid sound sequences.
244, Well, not too radical actually, since trades unionists are not noted for their enthusiasm for rapid change.
245, He came to regard Fisher as distant, but forceful and rapid and efficient, and later as friendly.
246, During this period of rapid territorial expansion the empire was almost continually at war.
247, The latest addition is International Blue Shield, aiming to provide rapid reaction teams when an unexpected threat emerges.
248, Her rapid rise to the top is well deserved and she does not suffer from having political labels stuck on her.
249, Still another factor contributing to rapid dissemination was widespread travel and mobility.
250, This differential impact has worsened with the rapid rise in unemployment.
251, The key point of contention is how much change is prudent in the military, and how rapid that change should be.
252, Beacons, semaphore, morse code were all in their day rapid methods of sending information.
253, When approached underwater they give an alarm or warning signal consisting of a series of quite rapid and quite audible grunts.
254, Her rapid pulse, high blood pressure, irregular breathing, and bluish discoloration of the skin all called for life-saving measures.
255, Tony Mitchell made a rapid second ascent to keep his reputation as the man who has done everything.
256, Venture capital is investment money pooled together and poured into firms with the potential for rapid, explosive growth.
257, Once they grew above the level of the snow, they too would be vulnerable to rapid freezing and death.
258, In some consonant clusters, sounds are apt to be elided, ie omitted, in rapid speech.
259, Howard did some rapid calculations on the back of an envelope.
260, The rapid acceleration of prices was the result of the interaction of a number of developments.
261, Industrialization in rural areas has increased, and has been more rapid than in metropolitan areas.
262, The force of the water coming over the day and pounding through the debris is what creates the rapid.
263, Many software and hardware companies enjoyed rapid expansion before the bubble burst and market growth slowed.
264, Rapid and accurate diagnostic testing capabilities for agents such as Mycoplasma are lacking in the United States.
265, On a rapid return journey he took the catch of the series so far in his right glove while airborne.
266, We may be undergoing a rapid rate of change in our knowledge base now, and that may be hard to assimilate.
267, Rapid changes in the occupational structure, facilitated by educational expansion, have increased the overall chances of entering higher-ranking occupations.
268, Agriculture has also been the beneficiary of rapid industrial growth and urban development, which have created expanding market opportunities.
269, But the juxtaposition of the two buildings speaks volumes about the rapid disappearance of regional, vernacular, even weirdo architecture.
270, This computerised derivatives market guarantees a high level of market transparency and a rapid handling of clients' transactions.