carbon造句121. I would also advise a canister filter fitted with activated carbon.
122. But all fossil fuels, especially the cleanest anthracite, burn to produce abundant carbon dioxide.
123. Life isn't just about taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide.Malala Yousafzai
124. The safety mattress also produced only half as much carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
125. Because the diesel engine uses so much less fuel it releases substantially less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
126. These can be compared to the original volume to calculate the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air.
127. In fact, the capacity of forests to increase in order to restore carbon balances has been called into question.
128. Carbon atoms can form bonds not only with themselves but with the atoms of important atmospheric gases, oxygen and nitrogen.
129. To flood the air with carbon dioxide, the biospherians hauled back the tons of dried grass clippings they had removed earlier.
130. The water vapor can then be cycled by reacting it with carbon monoxide to make carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
131. It was a carbon copy of an attack 18 months ago.
132. For chemical filtration, which usually means packing with an absorptive medium such as activated carbon or some sort of resin.
133. The inquest was told that Mr Jeffrey, who was from Stroud, had died from carbon monoxide poisoning.
134. Smothering the world with efficient carbon sink plantings, such as eucalyptus and genetically modified poplar, is an anathema.
135. A forest on this scale would absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide.
136. It consists of a chain of carbon atoms, with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon.
137. Mozer is a carbon copy of Jane Pryce: same policies, same ideas.
138. Like oil, gas and coal fields, peat bogs act as vast carbon stores.
139. The most obvious source, and one that is ubiquitous on the Martian surface, is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
140. The residue, a carbon-based char, can be used instead of activated carbon in, for instance,[http:///carbon.html] sewage works.
141. In this group of ions the carbon atom is surrounded by three oxygen atoms in a planar triangle.
142. And burning coal, of course, produces, carbon dioxide as well as sulphur dioxide.
143. To keep a balance of atmosphere, excess carbon dioxide needed to be removed by chemical filters.
144. Some potential uses of conventional biological reactors, insitu bioremediation, and activated carbon adsorption are summarised in Table 1.
145. The only measurement of any historical accuracy we have relates to one component: carbon dioxide.
146. Since Polygas comprises a small amount of acetone in carbon dioxide, the danger from an accidental release is low.
147. All atoms of the same element have the same atomic number; for exam-ple, the atomic number of carbon is 6.
148. Carbon paper executives probably jumped off buildings when they learned about Xerox copiers.
149. But there was nothing in the shifting canyons of frozen carbon dioxide to tell her.
150. Chemically, chalk is largely calcium carbonate, he argues, and so should yield carbon dioxide if immersed in an acid.