psychology造句61 Neither the Education Department as a whole, nor the Child Psychology section, had been consulted in these matters.
62 Even women who try to work as feminists in psychology suffer from the ambiguities of tokenism.
63 She was a tall, bespectacled spinster, who was very capable and well understood child psychology.
64 He kept a journal now, one filled with assignments from Speech and Psychology and Math and various rough drafts for me.
65 We regard ourselves as being fully conscious then, and modern psychology supports that viewpoint.
66 Sexology and psychology throughout the twentieth century has been preoccupied with heterosexuality's problem - women.
67 But the methods present severe difficulties for a feminist psychology.
68 Social psychologist Rowland S.. Miller, however, has corralled eight reasons by drawing on years of research in psychology.
69 In consequence, the sciences of animal behaviour and experimental psychology were founded by men deeply hostile to anthropomorphic explanations.
70 Stevenson was deliberately seeking a plot that would allow him to explore an aspect of human psychology.
71 He had a theory about how economics and psychology work together in the marketplace.
72 There are also extensive entries on classroom practice, teaching methods, the language laboratory and the psychology of learning.
73 Berger sees a discontinuity between the social psychology of Cooley and Mead and that of Freud.
74 Such a climate increases the likelihood that egalitarian feminist psychology will be incorporated into the traditional discipline.
75 Some implications of these results for eyewitness testimony and for the psychology of driving are considered.
76 Procedural gender biases are a source of serious anxiety in a science as powerfully dependent on method as psychology.
77 Central to Piagetian psychology is a dynamic relationship between the processes of accommodation and assimilation.
78 She expects to graduate next spring with a degree in psychology.
79 In fact, psychology and biology have to be equal partners in our analysis of the brain.
80 Subjectivity becomes contained in discourse: a solution which does not deal adequately with its complicated place in psychology and social relations.
81 The great underlying trend in worker psychology is a sense that the only one you can depend on is yourself.
82 But elements of a more ambivalent, productive, associative approach to signification also exist within feminist psychology.
83 On-line mediation did not find much support-the respondents said the psychology of mediation was better suited to face-to-face discussions.
84 With this felicity of thinking, they easily bridged the physical and social sciences, from biology to psychology to sociology.
85 I was able to go to Westminster for fairly regular lectures and we added anthropology to our social psychology studies.
86 Courses in applied areas such as educational psychology are also taught.
87 This is accomplished by metaphorically fitting the discourse of astrophysics on to that of psychology.
88 Hume gives an elaborate account of the psychology of moral feeling.
89 The Renaissance bears witness to a sociology, a psychology of joy.
90 I knew little of psychology but enough to be aware of the impact on the unformed ego of an absent father.