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91, He'll be replaced atop the seedings by three - time tournament champion Andre Agassi. 92, The twin giant Keck telescopes are situated at 4, 150 meters atop Mauna Kea, one of the world's best astronomical observing sites, and each has a primary mirror that is 10 meters across. 93, Inside were a comfy couch and easy chairs, a tall fabric houseplant in a corner, and a large high-definition television set atop a credenza. 94, Life in Color: Green A green frog sits atop a large lily pad in the waters of Atchafalaya Delta. 95, Now that the banks aren't on deathwatch, Ken Lewis's perch atop Bank of America (BAC) looks secure. 96, Bedouin guides wrapped in blankets rest atop Mt . Sinai in Egypt on Aug. 3, 2007. 97, One of her hands curved atop the other to form a pink, freckled molehill her desk. 98, Atop Athena's helmet, between winged griffins, crouched an inscrutable sphinx. 99, A green frog sits atop a large lily pad in the waters of Atchafalaya Delta. 100, An internal DSL builds new languages atop a base language, whose syntax it borrows and stylizes. 101, Another complicating factor is that studies from Earth, using large telescopes such as the Keck Observatory atop Hawaii's Mauna Kea, have not found any sign of sodium in the E ring. 102, Man on Camel, Giza, Egypt, 1966Sporting a kaffiyeh and robes, National Geographic photographer Dean Conger poses atop a camel near the pyramids of Giza, Egypt. 103, Surgeons transplanted about 80 percent of Culp's face using facial tissue from a dead woman that was placed like a mask atop her own. 104, An unforgettable view of Bangkok greets diners at open-air Sirocco Restaurant, atop the 64th floor of the State Tower. 105, He is a virtuoso at every endeavor — at least in his daydreams atop his doghouse. 106, My banner will fly atop your keep before this day is out. 107, I for one look forward to enjoying a "Vostok" atop Mars' Olympus Mons (but I promise to recycle the empties). 108, The X-band radar sits atop a modified floating oil platform and provides information about incoming missiles so military officials can launch a response. 109, Help your partner get comfortable in the traditional lotus position, with his legs crossed and each of his heels atop the opposite knee. 110, Past carbon nanotube transistors were typically constructed atop silicon composites common in the electronics industry. 111, He looked the part wearing a shalwar kameez atop a flak jacket. 112, The military was pulsing laser beams at that missile atop the mountain. 113, Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island suggest a warm polar vortex - a large-scale weather pattern likened to a jet stream on Earth that occurs in the upper atmosphere. 114, In preparation for the June 3 launch, Tycho Brahe is hoisted atop the HEAT-1X rocket engine in an undated picture. 115, Though the next eruption will likely follow a similar path, thousands of homes, shacks of hand-hewn eucalyptus boards and sheet-metal roofs, have been built directly atop the old flow. 116, Investigators found a bloody reciprocating saw on the bedroom floor and a hatchet which was still wet seemingly fresh from a wash atop an upper shelf in the kitchen according to The Herald. 117, It returnedto power in 2002 atop the lip of current PrimeMinister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a gesture of his populist appeal. 118, The volcanic plug might be black Plasticine, the castle balanced solidly atop it a skewed rendition of crenellated building bricks. 119, On Christmas Eve, Jesse and Zee moved their family into a small house atop a high hill overlooking St. Joseph. 120, A 6-week-old Visayan warty pig played king of the mountain atop of an adult at the San Diego Zoo, February 6, 2006.