快好知 kuaihz

1. Buds unfold in the sunshine. 2. Dramatic events were about to unfold. 3. European leaders watched events unfold with increasing alarm. 4. The audience watched the story unfold before their eyes. 5. If we unfold the table we can fit eight people around it. 6. He had watched the drama unfold from a nearby ship. 7. Its complexities will unfold in the following chapters. 8. The two plots unfold in quite similar ways. 9. She groaned inwardly,[Sentence dictionary] and felt the blush unfold. 10. It is time for the plot to unfold. 11. There is space for a story to unfold. 12. No-one can predict how events will unfold. 13. Eileen struggled to unfold a large map. 14. Beautiful wild birds unfold their silver wings. 15. We now watch these matters unfold, from a new seat at the ringside. 16. Cut along these lines using pinking shears. 4 Unfold and place the three strips on top of each other. 17. Awareness becomes heightened, and everyday domestic dramas unfold into staggering universal truths. 18. The simple joy of watching a game slowly unfold was replaced by the chrome brutality of the box score. 19. Finally, Albers would have the students unfold the paper, smooth it out, and return it to its original state. 20. It appeared to roll forward and unfold under its own natural momentum, to reach its clearly defined objectives. 21. La Plante lets her mystery unfold at a leisurely but absorbing pace. 22. The outcome depends on conditions as well as how events unfold. 23. Like a lot of people, I've watched the events of the last few days unfold on TV. 24. I've arranged a lunch with him next Thursday at which I intend to unfold my proposal. 25. We sat in horror watching the scenes of violence unfold before us. 26. When the bird lifts off into flight, its wings unfold to an impressive six-foot span. 27. For foreign investors the question is how the game would unfold. 28. With the Clintons, such masterful performances can seem surreal, since they inevitably unfold against a backdrop of turmoil and controversy. 29. Much though we might sometimes like it to be otherwise, events unfold as they happen. 30. Where moderate fires or controlled burns occur, a different scenario will unfold.