快好知 kuaihz

61. On the contrary, features and limbs are perceived in isolation without relation, as fragments rather than as part of a totality. 62. Furthermore, it is perceived to have an educative and symbolic function as well as a practical one. 63. There are cases in quite different spheres which suggest a perceived considerable importance in vertical arrangements. 64. In both groups one quarter perceived it to be caused by a medical condition, particularly more older male sufferers. 65. The commercial photograph is therefore not perceived as primarily documenting real life. 66. Such was the perceived risk of a patient developing cancer that prophylactic colectomy has been recommended. 67. To minimize how this price is perceived, the self-defeating organization can avail itself of any of the techniques described here. 68. But it is possible to reduce company car costs while increasing the employee's perceived remuneration. 69. Sixthly, the role of prudence in constraining the activities of states especially when there was a perceived balance of power. 70. However, a much stronger negative association was found between neurotic symptoms and the perceived adequacy of social relationships. 71. What emerges is the implication that the perceived cultural exchange between these selected texts reveal preoccupations found throughout the whole culture. 72. In addition they were perceived to be inefficient, measured in terms of productivity, and also unprofitable, causing a drain on public finances. 73. Yet the symbol of feminism was perceived as a direct challenge to Catholicism and Catholic values. 74. But all other things being equal, the gay and lesbian community has responded well to examples of perceived corporate goodwill. 75. Other questions were designed to elicit information about extent of Creole use as perceived by the respondent. 76. Repeated use is perceived as necessary in order to survive, yet at the same time it contributes to further decline. 77. They are likely to do so only if the perceived benefits exceed the expected costs. 78. In contrast it is difficult to think of a deviant female role which is not perceived as damaging to its protagonist. 79. The following interview extract vividly illustrates the perceived difference, in the eyes of one senior manager in an acute unit. 80. I stood in a white wilderness, and perceived that to gather wood for burning in such conditions was not easy. 81. What he perceived were human characteristics, above all the truth of the heart. 82. Policy choices reflected what governments perceived as the major threats to the cohesion and survival of the state. 83. And in the long run the improvisation of a constitutional structure on the basis of currently perceived utility will be disastrous. 84. Such a crude lie can surely be perceived by that genius of the animal kingdom, humans. 85. A decision either way on Roe can therefore be perceived as favoring one group or the other.... 86. Jesse Jackson has had entree to those countries and could be perceived as giving comfort to them. 87. There was anger and immediate condemnation from all parties save Euskal Herritarok, perceived as the separatist group's political wing. 88. Furthermore, the same acoustic information can be perceived differently depending on its higher-level context. 89. The easiest and best time to get this money from your banker is when you are still perceived as a creditworthy employee. 90. Royalties vary depending on the perceived value of the artist to the record company.