快好知 kuaihz

1 The infantry began to deploy at dawn. 2 The general ordered his men to deploy in order to meet the offensive of the enemy. 3 The military commanders won't deploy their land forces until they're satisfied that the air attacks have done their job. 4 My job doesn't really allow me fully to deploy my skills/talents. 5 The decision has been made to deploy extra troops/more powerful weapons. 6 Either side could then deploy defenses against missiles. 7 It would take until 2007 to deploy 50 interceptors-about half the number the Clinton administration originally planned for that date. 8 Moreover, they were forced to deploy an army for both attack and defense. 9 Senior Marine Corps officers were preparing to deploy to the Gulf. 10 What specific approaches will you use to deploy help and reinforcement just in time? 11 Nor did they continue to deploy the full panoply of radical techniques in moments of perceived social and political crisis. 12 It was time to deploy Dexter's tactic of unsubstantiated allegation. 13 Consumer companies generally deploy vans year-round,[www.] except for three months during the monsoon season. 14 The hand gunners deploy to one side of the halberdiers while the swordsmen deploy to the other. 15 Sir John approved Mr Todd's plans to deploy the tasers as soon as pos sible. 16 C., will deploy a fuel cell-driven shuttle bus using methanol as a fuel. 17 Others suggest kites were used to deploy ropes over the pillars. 18 The other five deploy flashbacks and almost constant time lapses. 19 Hence criteria to regulate and deploy their use become increasingly urgent. 20 Human experts often have to travel to deploy their knowledge and are restricted by time and other business pressures. 21 Typically geographic office managers, in consultation with their office colleagues, deploy EMs. 22 They tell us that we should not manufacture and deploy nuclear weapons. 23 They include giving local forces more control over how they spend money and deploy resources. 24 Unlike the United States, Britain had no large sparsely-populated desert areas in which to deploy strategic missiles. 25 None the less, they are not always willing or able to deploy this skill. 26 I shall address the second point: whether we could deploy naval units in that form of action. 27 In the aerospace and motor industry contexts, composites use different components but deploy them to similar ends. 28 The decree gives President Hugo Banzer special powers to deploy police and the military for 90 days. 29 But he felt that students would not be able to deploy these skills without the scaffolding of data. 30 The real difference is observable in the breakdown of scenes and the manner in which Britten chooses to deploy the dramatic action.