donate造句91. They donate all the profits from the maze to organizations like the YMCA and Marine Corps.
92. Non - remunerated blood donation, body organs ( organizations ) to donate, the management of BoneBank.
93. Immediately after the Ceremony, there will be a Birthday Party on the College campus. The College Staff Association will donate a birthday cake for the occasion.
94. Later the family moved it to a bank vault and in 1998 decided to donate it to the museum. Mr.
95. Color is light, does haemoglobin slant can little person donate blood?
96. He has got two chances to donate for the eleemosynary corporation.
97. You cannot donate if you have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, stomach bug or any other infection.
98. She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause.
99. Mr. Lee close - fisted man , never wants to donate anything for charity.
100. It denotes the encouragement of an individual to donate to charity.
101. As we try to maximize the assistance we can give, many of our Minnesotan friends have asked whether they can donate through us.
102. The person that there is hypoglycemia symptom whether donate blood?
103. He also expressed support for Little Bird Hotline volunteers who donate their time to advise migrant workers on their rights to fair wages and safe working conditions.
104. A top Chinese singer is to donate ticket-sales proceeds from one of her world tour performances to the Church-run hospital where she was born.
105. People who donate time or money to charity, or who altruistically assist people in need, report improvements in their own happiness.
106. Whether Merck would donate the extra amount of ivermectin needed is unclear.
107. Having only one hydrogen ion to donate to a base in an acid - base reaction; monoprotic.
108. Now scientists are turning their attention to the genome of the domestic cat, and it is Cinnamon's turn to donate a blood sample.
109. Saakashvili responded sarcastically that Russia was free to open a museum to memorialize Georgian oppression of Russians, and that he would even donate the funds.
110. Thank Ms Cora Lin and one parent donate $ 100.00 sepearately to Torrance Chinese School.
111. Mr. Lee, a close-fisted man, never wants to donate anything for charity.
112. Will all the money I donate through UNICEF go to survivals in China?
113. A sharp rise in enrolments to the Organ Donor Register has pushed the total number of those volunteering to donate body parts for life-saving transplants to nearly 17 million.
114. Now the company begins a donation matching program and no upper limit, which means, if an employee donates $100, then Microsoft will donate another $100.
115. The King of Spain Huan Karlos will donate his Russia State's premium to reconstruction of memorials in Lorca ruined by...
116. Novartis renewed its commitment to donate an unlimited supply of multidrug therapy and loose clofazimine for leprosy and its complications.
117. Treacy said he was "delighted, flattered and touched by HRH Princess' Beatrice's decision to donate the hat to charity."
118. If you wish to donate towards our efforts, please go to the Donation page . Thank you.
119. If their experiments succeed, the stage would be set for a gay man to donate skin cells that could be used to make eggs.
120. I owuld donate the whole amount of money to Orbis annoymously to support beneficence.