快好知 kuaihz

91. At gasoline stations it is illegal for customers to pump more than 10 gallons a minute. 92. Rating cigarettes by tar and nicotine content, much as gasoline is rated by octane levels. 93. To conserve your time, your energy, and gasoline, shop as infrequently as your storage facilities permit. 3. 94. The fire spread when burning gasoline trickled from the car toward other vehicles. 95. The mistake was the result of an earlier pit stop in which his crew failed to fill his Chevrolet with enough gasoline. 96. The dishes we tried tasted, not to put too fine a point on it, like gasoline. 97. A notable example occurs just after the fire has started in a gasoline station at Bodega Bay, near the harbour. 98. Dole was seeking to push his own issue, eliminating the 4. 3-cent gasoline tax that Clinton pushed in 1993. 99. Diesel comes from crude oil, and it is less refined than gasoline. 100. The lawsuit says oil companies contrived a gasoline shortage in the early 1970s. 101. With gasoline prices recently hitting their highest level in five years, is Walker driving less to save money? 102. Car owners are facing a 10% rise in the price of gasoline. 103. The stink of gasoline filled the air and the Prophet's eyes widened in shocked disbelief. 104. Every available hotel room was rented out and, on some weekends, county gasoline pumps ran dry. 105. Arco spokesman Scott Loll said 55 customers' cars broke down after pumping the regular, unleaded gasoline. 106. He noted California experienced two big gasoline price increases in the 1990s. 107. Dole is leading the push in Congress for repealing the gasoline tax. 108. The senator proposed scrapping the 4. 3-cent gasoline tax increase the Clinton administration enacted as part of its budget-deficit reduction. 109. The gasoline is formulated to burn more cleanly, producing less pollution. 110. But nobody fuses much over daily expenditures on sales and gasoline taxes -- even though they add up to large sums annually. 111. February gasoline rose 0. 20 cent 55. 41 cents a gallon. 112. As prices for other foods, electricity and gasoline more than tripled, the national currency, the lev, crashed. 113. Democrats note that Dole voted several times for gasoline tax increases totaling 10 cents in the 1980s. 114. Then it ordered a 21 percent hike in gasoline prices, the fifth increase in 43 days. 115. It must be shipped to gasoline terminals, where tanker trucks load up for delivery to service stations, by April 15. 116. February unleaded gasoline fell 3. 75 cents to 54. 44 cents a gallon. 117. The governor has made a proposal to raise the tax on gasoline by two cents. 118. February unleaded gasoline rose 0. 80 cent to 53. 90 cents a gallon. 119. If a $ 2 increase were passed through to the pump, gasoline prices could rise by 5 per gallon. 120. In California, the state-mandated switch to cleaner-burning gasoline added another 5 to 15 per gallon to gas prices.