shared造句241. Both partners shared childcare.
242. These fossil-like impressions of flesh-forms convey a chilling vulnerability not shared but enhanced by the metal material which they now permanently impress.
243. Galton developed a technique for superimposing a number of photographed faces of people with shared characteristics or circumstances.
244. At the local level it was expressed by a shared set of values and policies, operating within a welfare state consensus.
245. In the wall both houses shared there was a little chink.
246. This lack of confidence in Mr Kinnock is evidently shared by the people running Labour's campaign.
247. As descent always involves modification, resemblance decreases as a shared ancestor recedes into the past.
248. They all shared a big bedroom near the cheese room.
249. Information may be shared within the group but its cohesion depends on limiting the sharing of information outside the group.
250. Chimpanzee males combine to capture prey which is then torn up and shared.
251. The shared earnings principle can also be applied to individual pay.
252. Each is derived, no doubt, from some ancient shared ancestor.
253. When we do read aloud, we may want to consider how this shared reading can truly convey our love of reading.
254. Even when your growing brain shared my blood, your dreams were yours alone.
255. Rufus did not even know if animal bones shared the same names as those of humans.
256. Both are considered totally private affairs, the secret of which is often not even shared between man and wife.
257. I shared a taxicab with the Stephens College student and her roommate, who had come to meet her at the airport.
258. It could have shared the owner's adventures and vicissitudes, occupied his leisure hours, cheered his bleaker moments.
259. The engine block and alloy cylinder head is shared with the 1.4-litre Energy engine so the bore is identical.
260. Sometimes drummers, trumpeters and violinists shared space with an afternoon club in the school auditorium.
261. They insisted upon coming out to Reine to inspect my living accommodation, and the person with whom I shared it.
262. The cost of making the programs was shared by a consortium of six public television stations.
263. Both camps have long been bound together by a shared interest in the punter's pound.
264. Most people in bands have quite similar backgrounds and I reckon a lot of them shared the same experience as I did.
265. Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.Buddha
266. However, the very preoccupation with identifying causal influences begs more fundamental questions about whether contemporaries shared intellectual assumptions.
267. Numbers and music shared of course the same patterns of elegance, even when the figures exalted only aubergines.
268. When her distraught daughter shared her concern, she too began to cry.
269. If society is to exist as a unity there must be an agreement on shared values.
270. There is nothing magical or mystical about the process, and the results are shared in strictest confidence.