快好知 kuaihz

31. Federal regulations prohibit children under the age of 16 from holding pilot licenses or flying solo. 32. Fourthly, the terms of the lease may prohibit letting except at a rack rent. 33. A licence agreement may specifically prohibit error correction so that all this provision does is to raise a presumption in favour of the lawful user. 34. But it would prohibit delayed placements for the purpose of matching a child with same-race parents. 35. Can schools prohibit students from belonging to fraternities, sororities, and other undemocratic organizations? 36. House Republican Conference rules prohibit a censured lawmaker from being a committee chairman or holding a leadership post. 37. As a result of increased public interest, more than a dozen states have passed laws that prohibit insurers from genetic discrimination. 38. If the Minister accepts the report he then has the power to prohibit a contrary merger from taking place. 39. The Unfair Contract Terms Act does not totally prohibit the seller from exempting himself from liability for breach of these other terms. 39.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 40. He asked the court to prohibit Weisser from publishing the notes and to award him a sum of money as damages. 41. Wilmut said he would welcome any moves toward an international agreement to prohibit such attempts. 42. Public and administrative law Law can prohibit or regulate activities: The citizen can obey or break the law. 43. My partner will prohibit any member of the medical or anaesthetic staff from crossing the threshold. 44. Federal ethics laws prohibit former members from returning to lobby their colleagues for a year. 45. Finally, you stated that we prohibit women from executive positions within the corporation. 46. Even then, there is no power to prohibit reporting of proceedings. 47. Laws prohibit political fund-raising on government property, which is the focus of some of the questions surrounding White House fund-raising practices. 48. They may also prohibit certain activities, such as the carrying of banners or the chanting of particular slogans. 49. Also, regulation may prohibit the addition of some nutrients to groundwater - eg nitrate. 50. Finally, some states prohibit superintendents from participation in a bargaining unit with teachers. 51. It would not be argued to-day that the power to regulate does not include the power to prohibit. 52. Few laws require cost-benefit analysis for new rules and many actively prohibit it. 53. Those who reside or work where zoning laws prohibit public nuisances need not apply. 54. Another proposed revision would prohibit gun owners from keeping their weapons at home. 55. In 1925 forty-five Chicago judges voted to prohibit cameras in state courtrooms during judicial proceedings. 56. Banks, they say, also should be forced to pay damages for previously collecting those fees in states that prohibit them. 57. Can a school board require or prohibit the use of textbooks? 58. Do moral arguments provide an unsatisfactory basis upon which to prohibit insider dealing? 59. Boxer said she might support the marriage bill if it is amended to prohibit job discrimination against gays and lesbians. 60. The lawyer may have been notified, but the Act does not prohibit questioning before arrival.