快好知 kuaihz

151, My mother bought lots of tickets and lived in hope of winning the prize. 152, It's a great city, with lots to see and do. 153, A glossy magazine has lots of pictures of fashionable clothes and is printed on good quality paper. 154, There are lots of marine mammals such as whales and seals in the sea. 155, They've just completed a Christmas single and are also demoing lots of new songs. 156, Lots of people lost their jobs when the property market collapsed. 157, We don't like somebody coming in with lots of money and trying to push people around. 158, Our magazine is giving away lots of free goodies-T-shirts, hats and videos! 159, There's no magic formula for winning - just lots of hard work. 160, They used to live in a big house with lots of servants, but they've come down in the world since then. 161, We need someone with lots of personality to head the project. 162, I'm going to cut you off now because we've got lots of callers waiting. 163, It's only been latterly that we've discovered that it's lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef. 164, Buy lots of raffle tickets and multiply your chances of success. 165, Lots of people are far worse off than we are. 166, Lots of people are coming over from America for the wedding. 167, Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories. 168, Hollywood tends to make splashy films with lots of star actors. 169, There are lots of things I'd like to buy, but our budget just won't stretch that far. 170, Lots of sunshine, wonderful food, and amazing nightlife - altogether a great vacation! 171, Run lots of soapy water through the pipe to clean it. 172, There were lots of icy patches on the road this morning. 173, You get to sample lots of baked things and take home masses of cookies besides. 174, I can now afford a new car, holidays abroad and lots of other goodies. 175, She gave me lots of vitamins and minerals to build me up. 176, She's still very frail and will need lots of tender loving care. 177, There are lots of things to buy — tea, sugar, bread, etc. 178, Lots of couples have problems in the first year of marriage. Take Ann and Paul. 179, This page includes lots of links to other websites you may find interesting. 180, Be careful when you walk in this field; there are lots of rocks cropping out.