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(121) There are three kinds of modes to share CALIS Union Catalog data. (122) Create an integrated online public access catalog (OPAC) to include both internal and external resources. (123) This control is visible only when a Web page is in catalog display mode. (124) Travelling English, Introduction catalog for any product, electric tecnology English, car news are all welcome to me! More than10 hours on internet every day, free weekend! (125) To find books in the Library use the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). (126) After DSNTJSPP successfully installs the JAR files, the tooling then executes the CREATE PROCEDURE to catalog the Java stored procedure. (127) In frame 8, have the system return to the catalog search results, and Gordon decides to complete his purchase by checking out, as shown in Figure 18. (128) You can look for the books in the library catalog. (129) All our catalog pages will soon be translated into Chinese language pages. They will be Dating ot- linked through the Chinese flag pictured at the top of every page. (130) The consistent standard and quality insurance are the basic requirement of Computer Union Catalog. (131) The system calculates the fees for the seminar based on the fee published in the course catalog, applicable student fees, and applicable taxes. (132) The store sent us a new catalog of its merchandise. (133) If you add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to catalog paint when mixing it up, it will be easier to walkover off the children's arms. (134) In addition, the DB2 UDB for z/OS catalog table SYSIBM.SYSSTRINGS has to point to a conversion table for all required code page conversions. (135) We would appreciate it very much if you could send us your catalog together with the current sales terms. (136) Take advantage of advanced search functionality (gasp!) such as plurals, truncation, and wild-card and Boolean operators when using your local library catalog or databases. (137) You want to extract the ToolTech catalog and the value of the identifier attribute of the catalog table is, in fact, ToolTech. (138) In Astrometry, the term is applied to the difference between the observed position (or magnitude) of a reference star and the position (or magnitude) listed in the star catalog. (139) The 51st entry in Charles Messier's famous catalog is perhaps the original spiral nebula - a large galaxy with a well defined spiral structure also cataloged as NGC 5194. (140) we'd like to believe that architecture (and much of development) can be done with fixed rules, cookie cutter style, get your catalog of patterns and technology, apply them - job done. (141) Its initial goal was to create an union catalog for cooperative cataloging and resource sharing. (142) Have you received the specifications as shown in our catalog? (143) The Accused, by virtue of having used it in their catalog, have imposed a particular awkward and odious pattern format on the software community, which has proven to be something of a Procrustean Bed. (144) Shall WE go to the card catalog or directly to the stack room? (145) With the development of Online Union Catalog and network, many aspects affect the quality of cataloging. (146) The stellar EGGS are found in the "Eagle Nebula" (also called M16 -- the 16th object in Charles Messier's 18th century catalog of "fuzzy" permanent objects in the sky) in this hubble photo. (147) She flew to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya in 1991, armed only with a catalog of products and a map. (148) It gives the priority value of product a new calculation rules and presents a policyholder-oriented catalog segmentation model, makes it more suitable for marketing life insurance companies. (149) Classification system and core metadata are the core and basis of the catalog system. (150) The Home page provides an administration user interface to add new widgets to the catalog database.