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91. The 100 dollar jacket is such a rip off. 92. He is changing to Rip Van Winkle. 93. Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip. 94. This is the opinion of some Rip van Winkle. 95. He was going to rip up the canvas. 96. Come on, Rip Van Winkle , wake up! It's nearly lunchtime. 97. In the village there lived a simple, good man named Rip Van Winkle. 98. The control handler would then rip out the necessary data to populate the control. 99. I was more confused by that, so I asked who Rip Van Winkle was. 100. In this lab, the students will configure a default route and use RIP to propagate this default information to other routers . 101. Lightsome show film of translucent lacteal eye, need not be cleaned or rip off, can sleep after direct daub. 102. This lab is to configure a default route and use RIP to propagate this default information to other routers . 103. Shakespeare called it "the green-eyed monster, " and once it gets a hold of your relationship, it sinks its teeth in and can rip it apart. 104. Renal nerve section (RNS) completely abolished the cardioprotection afforded by RIP, though RNS per se did not affect the myocardial infarct size produced by ischemia reperfusion. 105. I want to take this diary and rip it into shreds. 106. Snickers rip pled in the room as she rummaged through the huge shoulder bag a purse. 107. I came to rip off any of this dusty old shit that the man has. 108. "Yaaaaaaa," Carla let rip with the cry of the Valkyries. 109. From even this stronghold the unlucky Rip was at length routed by his termagant wife. 110. He must subdue her, absorb her, rip her apart and consume her. 111. You'll occasionally rip up your hands and generally scab various body parts. 112. Bicycles rig with explosives rip through an outdoor market South of Baghdad. 113. RIP is widely used because of its reliability, briefness and easy configuration. 114. Rip Van Winkle by the famous American short story writer, Washington Irving, tells how a man called Rip Van Winkle was bullied by his wife, Dame Van Winkle. 115. Keating: Now, l want you rip out that page. Go on . Rip out the entire page. 116. That's a rip off. You shouldn't have spent so much. 117. RIP ( Raster Image Processor ) software is very important for the performance of inkjet printer. 118. Don't trust him; he will rip up a contract as soon as it's signed. 119. When you rip up your leg, you don't feel it. 120. Let me tell you a rip snorter about a farmer and his cow.