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come down造句
121. When it come down, he thought, gon na crush me like a tick bug. 122. We stay with William-and just hear the door open and a voice come down the corridor. 123. That is the policy which we have pursued consistently, with the result that direct taxation has come down substantially. 124. I was beginning to come down from the couscous, and the street looked almost normal. 125. It has come down to personalities and Julia is very disturbed by it all. 126. Come down Daniel to the lions' den, Come down Daniel and join in the feast. 127. You could shut yourself away in this garret all day and never come down. 128. We have to come down on the side of the snowy plover. 129. This is a convertible wall and can come down when the family wishes to entertain. 130. Electricity poles come down, telephone lines sag, and the streets become clogged with mud. 131. It's for him to come down here and settle his debts, like everybody else in the valley. 132. Not a lot really, he's come down and hacked through a couple of tunes with us. 133. The walls of the educational system must come down. Education should not be a privilege, so the children of those who have money can study.Che Guevara 134. Birds teach us something very important: To whatever height you rise, you will finally come down to the ground!Mehmet Murat ildan 135. They began to come down on him like thunder. 136. Just one eyewitness's account has come down to us. 137. These legends have come down from time immemorial. 138. The story has come down from time immemorial. 139. The tals have come down from the old times. 140. Come down, pardner and be a man. 141. Blue Beard called, An hour has gone by. Come down, Fatima, and Ishall kill you. 142. If you throw a ball up, it will come down again. 143. I'll come down and watch you playday, and see what it's like. 144. But the series will come down to one vital matchup - Kobe Bryant versus Ron Artest. 145. I feel dizzy and suffocated. I think I have come down with heatstroke. 146. Behind female life fault child, is the sexual desire able to come down? 147. " Come down and meet me to morrow, " he said, " and we'll go to the matinee. 148. " To - morrow, " he said, " you come down here and buy yourself a skirt. " 149. The Fox, dissembling the real danger of his case, replied: " Come down, my friend. " 150. An oxygen mask will come down from overhead in case of an emergency.