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bring back造句
31. And waiting for the call: The last hangman says bring back the rope. 32. Whenever the Assiniboin sent each other presents of food, they also sent along a little boy to bring back the dish. 33. With his team trailing 72--78, the manager was forced to bring back his star player. 34. At the same time, he was totally loyal to Franco and unlikely to seek Allied aid to bring back the monarchy. 35. The demand from Labour was sparked by fury over plans to bring back charges for customers in credit. 36. Bring back to just under the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes. 37. As home-brewing returns, some groups are striving to bring back a milder version of Prohibition. 38. We're playing the old songs that I'm sure will bring back memories for you. 39. He says that being at Barrow Wake does bring back bad memories. 40. But when I go to Dakar I won't just bring back broken shoes. 41. Add boiling liquid, bring back to the boil and add leeks. 42. Do you think they should bring back the death penalty? 43. Every time she has a birthday it will bring back memories. 44. But bring back flogging - abolished as recently as 1861 - they could, and did. 45. And in the longer term it should try to bring back into favour the notion that we all belong to a community. 46. Anyway,[http:///bring back.html] Christmas decorations sure bring back a lot of memories for me. 47. But we have come in from the cold to bring back a sneak preview. 48. The streets bring back memories, though the buildings here have changed. 49. There are those for whom the thought of rifling through rails of musty clothes bring back horrible memories of student life. 50. The sacrifices they made, along with the end of the drought in 1992, helped bring back the ducks. 51. She's now left with little more than photographs to bring back memories of her late husband. 52. Many Basques quietly agree that only a negotiated end to the conflict will bring back peace and prosperity to their region. 53. Most importantly, it should be cheaper than some grandiose schemes being floated to bring back the age of sail. 54. He would go himself and bring back some news before they even knew that he had gone. 55. Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.Anais Nin 56. "I want to bring back traditional watchmaking," he says. 57. "Ideally, we want to bring back this notion of beat-walking," said Mr. Yang, who is also a marketing consultant, a columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle and a former magazine publisher. 58. Take a rest in the bed and bring back some luckiness of the Emperor, which will make you more energetic and fortunate. 59. Prompt for action: American cotton from daily limit down yesterday, to Zheng cotton today bring back pressure, reduction of early single. 60. Because with the deal to bring back Hedo Turkoglu and bring in Gilbert Arenas, we're already all-in for this season.