快好知 kuaihz

at times造句
1. Instability may arise at times of change. 2. At times I am a thoroughly bad egg. 3. At times, the heat was barely tolerable. 4. He can be rather moody at times. 5. Her attitude is imperious at times. 6. The work gets a bit dull at times. 7. He can be very obstinate at times. 8. I found Ben's cynicism wearing at times. 9. The will to survive is extraordinary and at times overwhelming, capable of fashioning some form of normality even out of the darkest hour. 10. Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy. 11. At times he would be absent for a couple of days. 12. It was quite rough at times, and she was seasick. 13. These two aims are not always mutually complementary: at times they conflict. 14. I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away. 15. She has an authoritative manner that at times is almost arrogant. 16. Honestly, you're impossible at times! 17. You can be absolutely impossible at times! 18. At times the president's motorcade slowed to a crawl. 19. I find her a bit unreasonable at times. 20. Dr. Jonsen seemed a little lackadaisical at times. 21. At times they have been shamefully neglected.http:///at times.html 22. My kids drive me to distraction at times. 23. He can be really bad-tempered at times. 24. He is rebellious, aggressive and at times self-destructive. 25. She was moody at times and easily irritated. 26. He can be a very tiresome child at times. 27. They can be irritatingly indecisive at times. 28. Everyone feels like a failure at times. 29. I like her, although I could cheerfully throttle her at times . 30. I was struggling to keep up some of the time and the scenery was going past way too fast and close at times.