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at the same time造句
61. Kids can have fun and learn about music at the same time. 62. I was afraid of her, but at the same time I really liked her. 63. No-one likes conflict, but at the same time we have to deal with this problem. 64. A meteorite collided with Earth at the same time, delivering a one-two punch to the magnetic field. 64. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 65. How is it possible to feel love for two men at the same time? 66. You can get fit, and at the same time raise money for a worthy cause . 67. Roll the wine around in your mouth, drawing in air at the same time. 68. There's a crying need for more roads, but at the same time the wildlife needs to be preserved. 69. He said women have an easier life than men, did he? - I'd like to see him bring up children and go to work at the same time. 70. We don't want to lose him. At the same time, he needs to realise that company regulations must be obeyed. 71. These troubles came along all at the same time that I was at a loss. 72. It's impossible to get everybody together at the same time. 73. At the same time she felt a prick on her neck. 74. At the same time, we encouraged eligible large state - owned enterprises to get listed after the stockholding system was established. 75. If they can do them both at the same time, then so much the better. 76. And they are all available at the same time. 77. At the same time, George measured the beanbag model. 78. At the same time Greebo shot past Agnes, accelerating. 79. You can't think and hit at the same time.Yogi Berra 80. Some one you felt a little in awe of and wanted to hug at the same time. 81. At the same time the executive resisted a renewed attempt by sympathisers for the affiliation of the Communist Party. 82. At the same time she was a good all-round athlete. 83. The lucky boy accomplished the feat, and caught the evil, greedy king in a curse at the same time. 84. At the same time, great advances have been made in finding out how best to use the many drugs now available. 85. This paperback original is the first publication, with Blackwell Scientific doing a more technical statistical analysis at the same time. 86. Surcharges are deducted from your balance at the same time you withdraw cash from an ATM. 87. At the same time there are a series of practical problems affecting all consultation with users. 88. Margarett seemed to her more removed than usual, quieter, but at the same time more attentive to her family. 89. If a composer remembers to keep this audience entertained, think what he can say to them all at the same time. 90. People want to change everything and, at the same time, want it all to remain the same.Paulo Coelho