快好知 kuaihz

at present造句
(91) At present, the Spirit is the pledge of blessing to come. (92) At present Wolverhampton appears to employ more non-teaching staff than teachers under its education budget. (93) At present, too many young offenders are being remanded in prisons because local authorities lack enough secure accommodation for them. (94) At present, regional news broadcasts have the tone of a modified sensationalist journalism. (95) At present some of the nonconforming lenders charge interest to customers who have already defaulted on loans. (96) Adding five examples to the chapters that at present lack them would kill two birds with one stone. (97) They are the ones who, at present, have to sort out the mess after the degree ceremonies have been long forgotten. (98) At present, radio is the only communication medium in the country which has achieved a mass audience. (99) The programs available at present fall into four main categories, as outlined below. (100) At present there's no swine flu case in China. (101) Guangdong has entered industrialized metaphase phase at present. (102) At present ( NAFTA ) ( EU ) is most successful by the North America free trade area with Union. (103) At present, the University Press is facing a lough business environment. (104) At present, joint training of 17 post - graduate master's degree. (105) At present, there are two methods drawing the engineering mechanical drawing in the world. (106) At present, the more ideally roasting equipment is rotary kiln. (107) The risk wire side on 3 G jotter faces and at present PC online risk is same. (108) At present, technologies such as liner inversion system , HDPE tube interpenetration, pipe explosion methods etc. (109) At present, C 1 chemical research focuses on gas engineering and methanol engineering. (110) At present, theoretical library science encounters the circumstance that the inquiry of essentialism is being surrendered. (111) At present, the municipal bond still was blank in China. (112) At present BSP market of home appears the form syncretic put basically. (113) By far the most nearly monochromatic source available at present is the laser. (114) At present, the monochromatic source used in visible spectrophotometer has a certain semibreadth. (115) At present, every subsystem of WCS - Lab has been developed. (116) At present, the forest remains still preserved in Harbin Police station medical examiner the room. (117) At present , there are heat - sensitive paper anti - false liquid crystal and colorless dye. (118) At present the only exit that the Russians had was Murmansk. (119) At present, these organizations follow the development trend of internalization of overseas Chinese mass organizations. (120) At present, fault recording device and power quality monitoring device have been installed, in many substations.