快好知 kuaihz

at one time造句
61. Aircraft landed and took off without cease, so that seldom less than a dozen were airborne at one time. 62. At one time there were no urban districts - they simply grow up around commercial and industrial interests. 63. Games At one time most games relevant to history were board games. 64. At one time Camille and her peers had moved around like soldier ants devouring all in their path. 65. The city at one time had talked to Edwards Theaters about building a multiplex theater there, but those talks faltered. 66. At one time they had to dive out of the bamboo hut in which they were sheltering when a gunfight erupted. 67. At one time I didn't let emotions sway me but now I tend to cry easily. 68. Some twenty percent of all Oscar-winning actors, actresses and directors have been married to each other at one time or another. 69. At one time, physical presence was a prerequisite for first-hand experience. 70. At one time I reminded Tom of his comments about the house with no insulation. 71. At one time, would-be subscribers had to be refused telephones because outgoing cables were overloaded with intelligence telephone taps. 72. Other speakers adapt to far more, perhaps to most of them, at one time or another. 73. At one time I would have suggested that everyone would shed surplus fat on a ration of 1,500 calories daily. 74. At one time, Evers allied himself with the most liberal of liberal Democrats. 75. At one time doctors recommended red meat as part of a healthy diet but not any more. 76. This has created severe financial problems and at one time he was heavily in debt to the bank. 77. At one time, Hakami was ranked 32nd in the world. 78. Up to 16 mail messages can be accessed at one time. 79. At one time there were 400 tin mines in Cornwall alone. 80. See, I can lock the doors all at one time. 81. At one time this requirement was construed broadly, so that words merely precatory were accepted as raising a trust. 82. He had been too lordly to do this at one time, preferring to give them as Christmas presents. 83. It was fashionable at one time to see this process crudely in terms of mere military subjugation. 84. At one time the village was owned by the Wilberforce family and during this period it was a thriving community. 85. At one time Charley's Aunt was being performed in 48 different countries simultaneously. 86. At one time it was thought that all chemical reactions were exothermic. 87. At one time for example she was reported to have been racing around Melbourne in a brand new pink sports car. 88. The amber was at one time polished to make a pendant with the fly as centre piece. 89. When a point is conceded at one time then that becomes the baseline for future expectations. 90. Only cut the amount required at one time, otherwise the extra slices will dry out during storage.