as it is造句61. As much pain as it is to see we are over budget on this airport project, I am actually quite pleased.
62. As heartbreaking as it is to acknowledge, no system can guarantee that.
63. As it is, the company can not in any case be accounted for as a wholly contractual phenomenon.
64. My goal is simple. It is complete understanding of the universe, why it as it is and why it exists as all.Stephen Hawking
65. If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.William Blake
66. As it is the hay and silage season, we had been going non-stop since dawn.
67. I would be interested to experience a situation where medical intervention is not as widely available as it is in Great Britain.
68. A company can protect information of this kind only so long as it is confidential to the business and not in the public domain.
69. The ether is not so much the carrier of cosmic electro-magnetic forces, as it is the materialised forces themselves.
70. Meanwhile, Vanessa herself suffers a downfall as humiliating as it is spectacular.
71. Above all, it should be as physically comfortable and relaxing as it is easy on the eye.
72. That kind of instinctive, indefatigable willingness to engage is a gift, Mr Caen, as unteachable as it is unbuyable.
73. As it is, Mr Botero has been whining that too many of his real works are flooding the market.
74. The ion engine has considerable potential as it is capable of generating specific impulses of thousands of seconds.
75. It challenges you, as a leaded to make change as personal an experience for yourself as it is for others.
76. As for price competition, it is about as real and intelligible as it is in the life insurance or banking fields.
77. Their emotional development was not understood as it is today.
78. As soon as it is sold the 58-year-old widow plans to move into the mobile home in nearby Laguna Beach.
79. As it is drawn up, swags appear between the rows of rings, forming a scalloped hemline.
80. Look in the locker under the passenger seat for its original colour as it is usually not repainted in a respray..
81. Painting the frontier, either as it was or as it is, hardly remains an exclusively male domain.
82. The middle-class in the center of concern in these novels, as it is in sentimental comedy.
83. But in spite of a pretty widespread discontent with education as it is, there is no clear view of what it should be.
84. Monotony was a cardinal sin for Victorian architects, just as it is the predominant defining characteristic of modern architecture.
85. A host state may restrict the activities of a financial institution as far as it is justified by the general good.
86. Perhaps this marks the single biggest difference between Marxist Socialism, and Empirical Socialism as it is now practised.
87. This procedure, as barbaric as it is, is not done by governments.
88. However, the addition is almost as problematic as it is important.
89. Even its main aim is uncertain, as it is increasingly being spoken of as an Aids fund.
90. If they did not, the myth of the sense behind the sentence would not be as popular as it is.