快好知 kuaihz

quarrel with造句
31. We have no quarrel with their plans, in fact we support them. 32. We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country. 33. I don't quarrel with your opinion, but with your manner. 34. And it wasn't Ludo they had a quarrel with. 35. Damaratos had no quarrel with Leonidas. 36. We have no quarrel with you or your master. 37. A boast, perhaps, but who can quarrel with it? 38. I have no quarrel with that. 39. She got into a quarrel with her son's coach. 40. The Times had no quarrel with this. 41. I spoke to Victor twice only and had no quarrel with him. 42. We have no quarrel with the delicious plastic that Tony Blackburn plays on his daytime show. 43. The Kulturkampf was easily the most spectacular quarrel with Rome. 44. She didn't want to quarrel with Maria, today of all days, when they had so little time left together. 45. Sir Thomas did have a quarrel with some one in the hotel before dinner. 46. But it is hard to pick a quarrel with pasta./quarrel with.html 47. She didn't want to quarrel with him, but made it plain that she was her own woman now, with her own life to lead. 48. Rather than giving in and losing face, she carried on her needless quarrel with her father. 49. Kevin had come home really upset after a quarrel with a workmate. 50. I have no quarrel with that, provided he sets them in that order. 51. Again, rationality is the alternative to absurdity, but it has no quarrel with mystery. 52. The Opposition have no quarrel with the principle of disposal, leaving aside the financial implications. 53. Miners, for example, have no quarrel with pit-head gear; they can not work without it. 54. My cabbie turned out to be an out-of-work dentist, and I couldn't quarrel with his diagnosis. 55. He seemed determined to pick a quarrel with us. 56. Several of them seemed disposed to quarrel with Newman. 57. Don't quarrel with your bread and butter. 58. I always quarrel with my cousin. quarrel with sb. 59. See how pick a quarrel with me! 60. "Black" Burton, a man evil tempered and malicious, had been picking a quarrel with a tenderfoot at the bar, when Thornton stepped good naturedly between.