point to造句181. Larry slept on a cot in grubby clothes but made it a point to shave every day.
182. She made it a point to tell people as little about herself as possible.
183. Not until Walden sold two thousand copies, five years later, could Thoreau point to any audience at all.
184. Section 16 is a clear example and functions almost as an exclamation point to the first 15 sections.
185. All point to precisely the same problems as were identified when evaluating the original model fits.
186. The benchmark five-year deutsche mark swap spread fell 1 basis point to 45 basis points.
187. But it does point to the need to examine carefully the social processes registered by apparently simple concepts.
188. An unusual event which cost me dear but it made the point to Chutra as to who was the leader around here.
189. A point to watch here, is where a credit card holder applies for an extra card on the same account.
190. Several key findings from that survey point to the revolution in pay practices.
191. Opinion polls point to a spectacular comeback, seven years after he tumbled from the premiership in disgrace.
192. The first point to be noted is that the Court may make the award on the application of the injured person.
193. I felt strong; there was a point to a life that had seemed pointless.
194. All signs seem to point to a weak economic environment for a while.
195. But those within the service point to the investment in training as a major contributory factor to an increasingly professional service.
196. The growth optimists point to India's favourable demography.
197. Does pressure point to systematic circulation?
198. Arrows point to the defect in the rectus sheath.
199. It is stretching a point to call this censorship.
200. Point to Ponder: this world is not my home.
201. Critics point to the continuing instability of the company.
202. He needed just one match point to wrap the victory up.
203. Therefore, should take upgrading the commonality of public policy as main point to build harmonious society.
204. Click the start button, point to settings , and then click control panel.
205. Their profile corresponded point for point to our wish list for an adoptive family.
206. Trouble in Georgia pow - wow in Prague point to new east - west tensions.
207. The Swiss discount rate rose half a percentage point to 6 percent.
208. An upside down clock's minute hand and hand point to the down, what time is it?
209. Willan was able to point to the progressive changes he had already introduced.
210. Click and drag on the end point to raise the entire arm.