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61. He seems to have undergone a change in/of attitude recently, and has become much more co-operative. 62. It would cost very much more for the four of us to go from Italy. 63. Their work shows that one-year-olds are much more likely to have allergies if either parent smokes. 64. In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly. 65. These figures are a simplification. The real situation is much more complicated than this. 66. She's much more mobile now that she's bought a car. 67. The council has operated much more effectively since pragmatism replaced political dogma. 68. She seems to be much more worldly than the other students in her class. 69. He mingled among the guests and took the candid shots which were much more fun than the formal group photographs. 70. " Home " is a much more emotive word than " house ". 70. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 71. Contractions are much more common in speech than in writing. 72. I feel much more confident about myself and my abilities these days. 73. Going away to college has made me much more independent. 74. Can you say that dolphins are much more intelligent than other animals? 75. Teachers at a boarding school are acting much more in loco parentis than at a day school. 76. I use the sense of sound much more than the sense of sight. 77. At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer. 78. Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human. 79. He finds physics far/much more difficult than other science subjects. 80. Salt water is much more conductive than fresh water is. 81. I was now getting much more familiar with the local area. 82. The repairs to our car cost much more than we were expecting. 83. Life was a continual struggle for them. However, continuous is much more frequent in this sense. 84. Pale colours are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers. 85. When we are tired, tense, depressed or unwell, we feel pain much more. 86. Never mind the extra day's holiday, the free health care, and all the other window dressing in the company's offer - the point is, how much more money are we getting? 87. Running a school is much more of a business than it used to be, - by law we have to balance our books. 88. ADSL is always on, which makes your PC much more vulnerable to hacking. 89. He asked me with whom I had discussed it. In spoken English it is much more natural to use who and put the preposition at the end of the sentence:Who should I address the letter to? 90. Solid wood furniture is much more sturdy and durable than chipboard furniture.