快好知 kuaihz

may as well造句
1, You may as well tell me the truth. 2, You can't help being biased so you may as well be up front about it. 3, I suppose we may as well get started. 4, If there's nothing more to do, we may as well go to bed. 5, There is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed. 6, We may as well finish off this pie - there's only a little bit left. 7, I needn't wait, I may as well tell you now. 8, If I've got to go somewhere I may as well go to Birmingham. 9, We may as well go to the concert, seeing as we've already paid for the tickets. 10, You may as well tell us now - we'll find out sooner or later. 11, You may as well take these books - they're just gathering dust on the shelf. 12, It's useless talking to him?you may as well save your breath. 13, It may as well go straight in the bin. 14, He may as well have been lying in state. 15, You may as well get used to it, Oakland. 16, I may as well have not bothered. 17, May as well go to bed in a drunken stupor after dinner, same as the rest of them. 18, They may as well have been a small part of a photograph album gathering dust in the depth of some one's attic. 19, Given current attention spans,[http:///may as well.html] it may as well have come out during the Pleistocene. 20, Vivian may as well lose her wits; only something much simpler can help her. 21, The system may as well do it, and present the operator with each applicant within the vacancy in turn in numerical order. 22, I may as well explain here why he did this much-criticized and desperate deed of daring.... 23, I may as well stick it out to the end. 24, You may as well play when you are in a scoring mode. 25, If Klepner's gonna get his job he may as well do the spiel. 26, Since we're just sitting here, we may as well have a drink. 27, You may as well not turn it on, Cooper, until after the game. 28, That may as well be a word from a foreign language. 29, The Town Moor draw's favours are so unpredictable that you may as well stick to choosing a horse for its name alone. 30, In the end the mission controllers took the very pragmatic view that they may as well continue the mission to the Moon.