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smell of造句
(121) I think this cheese is a bit old judging by the smell of it. (122) The smell of seaweed took him back to his childhood. (123) The house was full of the rank smell of urine. (124) A smell of burnt branches and leaves penetrated the woods. (125) The smell of Warsaw lingers as that of coal. (126) The smell of gas from the heater is overpowering. (127) The smell of dill brine filled the room. (128) In my bed is a faint smell of excrement. (129) A strong smell of paint fumes filled the studio. (130) His stomach growled at the smell of frying fish. (131) The smell of mothballs rose to greet her. (132) A faint smell of cooking emerged from the kitchen. (133) The fetid smell of swamp seeped through the concrete. (134) An appetizing smell of baked apples filled the house. (135) The smell of hash is strong. (136) The smell of frying bacon must have woken Anna. (137) The smell of smoke filled the house. (138) Look out for smell of solvent on breath, nose-bleeds, sores around nose and mouth,[http:///smell of.html] weight loss. (139) Everywhere a strong smell of disinfectant and in the concrete corridors grey mops in galvanized buckets. (140) He grimaced at the smell of fresh blood, then pulled the loaded rifle from its holster. (141) Past the hoardings, the smell of the market pounced on him. (142) There was the smell of fermenting has and citrus blossoms and ginger lilies and bonemeal and sulphur-coated urea. (143) One, two, three, the hurrying mules passed, leaving the smell of dung diffused in the gray air. (144) I sniffed the lanolin of his rough wool sweater and the slaughtered smell of his jacket. (145) I remember it as horrible, with a smell of cold cabbage seeming to come from the upholstery. (146) He wrinkled his nose in distaste at the acrid smell of the place. (147) The smell of fresh coffee and frying bacon filled the kitchen. (148) Wesson eliminating the smell of cordite from their. 45s in favor of amaretto potpourri. (149) And it was then that he noticed for the first time that there was a strong smell of creosote in the air. (150) As the smell of fresh paint drifted through the air it became linked for us with summer and liberty.