result in造句151 Also there is a gradual loss of function of some brain cells which can result in forgetfulness and sometimes confusion.
152 Though often misused, it can result in benefits to some sections of the community for which the cadres claim credit.
153 Volatile and unpredictable exchange rates result in difficulties in interpreting the market's signals.
154 Either of these extremes would result in abnormal intellectual growth.
155 The planned repurchase would result in an extraordinary charge of about $ 22 million against first-quarter earnings, the company said.
156 Officials have said the bonds will be retired with surplus water system funds and will result in no tax increase.
157 On take-off, for example, it would result in excessively high combustion temperatures and detonation.
158 This sometimes causes temporary aggravation of the movement disorder, but may eventually result in its improvement or complete subsidence.
159 The neutrals were delighted with the result in Paris: Balestre 29 votes, Mosley 43.
160 General practitioners need assurance that control of expenditure will result in the savings being retained in local health care.
161 It will result in the destruction of Camley street natural park, which is used by thousands of local school children.
162 Harrassment of ethnic or religious minorities would result in various international sanctions.
163 Severe lipaemia due to chronic alcohol abuse may result in recurrent attacks of pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus.
164 Increased costs will result in increased prices unless entirely compensated by increased efficiency.
165 However, the lack of bile flow into the intestines will result in neither urobilinogen nor urobilin being found in the feces.
166 The random differences in environment result in a range of different vibration frequencies, and so each vibration band is broadened.
167 Carotid sinus hypersensitivity may result in either an intermittent drop in blood pressure or bradycardia, or both.
168 This instability in the workplace and enormous competitive demands on businesses-large and small-will result in extraordinary pressure for maximum performance.
169 Failure to observe that enforcement notice can result in a prosecution in the local magistrates' court.
170 Any request for a change to a confirmed meal plan will result in us having to levy a booking alteration fee.
171 An attempt to give equal coverage to all years would result in a rather useless chronology that provides isolated historical facts.
172 It is tolerant of most water conditions,[http:///result in.html] although very hard water may result in the fish's eyes becoming cloudy.
173 Springs Industries Inc. said lower demand for its home furnishings will result in fourth-quarter earnings beneath investors' expectations.
174 The result in national identity terms is summed up neatly by a couple we interviewed in Berwick.
175 Use of inadequate machinery may result in food poisoning and subsequent prosecution under the Food Safety Act 1990.
176 The result in this case is a 10, 000-bushel surplus or excess supply of corn in the market.
177 While still suffering, the negative feeling of fearful projection may result in craving for the addictive substance or behaviour.
178 In these, migration through the lungs in heavy infections may result in pneumonia and death.
179 Specifically, can chaotic behavior result in a single-loop feedback system with a nonmonotonic nonlinearity?
180 Announcement of the Offer will result in more than doubled dividend income for Palatine shareholders.