no more than造句31. I have no more than a nodding acquaintance with her novels.
32. Some insects have a life-span of no more than a few hours.
33. The company employs no more than a couple of dozen people.
34. Eline felt it was no more than her duty to look after her husband.
35. The novel may be a best seller, but it's no more than a competent piece of writing.
36. He received a large reward, which was no more than his due .
37. The temperature is expected to be no more than plus two .
38. After the first half-hour she realized that her new-found confidence was no more than skin-deep.
39. When it is finally settled, the Marshall estate may be worth no more than $100,000.
40. I shall be away for no more than a week.
41. They are afraid of incriminating themselves and say no more than is necessary.
42. The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe.
43. It was no more than a ticket booth.
44. The caravan journey lasted no more than a mile.
45. Some were no more than motionless translucent blobs.
46. He reached for Freddy, and with what seemed no more than a flick of his wrist pitched him across the foyer.
47. All of human existence was no more than a huge address book.
48. No more than one hundred are assigned to Wrigley Field for the forty-five thousand Bear fans, with their pints of brandy.
49. Figure 4 shows one particular evolutionary history consisting of no more than 29 generations.
50. The nurse's chin quivered in indignation as she reported that the girl was no more than a child.
51. The state department spokesman, James Rubin, has done no more than take formal note of Mahuad's initiative.
52. He was no more than twenty feet from his old classmate.
53. The general staff is unhappy and the squaddies disgruntled, but no more than that.
54. It needed no more than a second for him to realize what he had intruded upon.
55. We are no more than a hundred yards apart. As the crow flies.
56. Even so, a significant number of takeover bids were probably no more than a form of corporate conspicuous consumption.
57. But formidable capital cost stood in the way of such improvements, and irrigation remained no more than a theoretical possibility.
58. But Barnes and Bushnell no more than Beecher knew how to prevent the deepest division ever to split the nation.
59. National insurance contributions now have a ceiling: higher earners pay no more than average earners. 3.
60. They seemed quite content to catch no more than a cupful of minute shrimp.