lots of造句241. Lots of people from the neighborhood assemble in the street, across the way, to watch.
242. I only receive a severe disability allowance and finding two lots of money for dentists care will be difficulty.
243. It's clearly a budget. It's got lots of numbers in it.George W. Bush
244. There's lots of people who spend so much time watching their health, they haven't got time to enjoy it.Josh Billings
245. Many of them had prepared notes ahead of time, and Drake took lots of notes.
246. Irving set up lots of avenues for employee commentary and recommendations on how the change was going.
247. When he'd stored his new acquisitions in it there was still lots of room left for more books and papers.
248. A noisy relaunch with attendant superstars will certainly attract lots of attention.
249. Lots of your friends want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.Oprah Winfrey
250. There is lots of age discrimination in the world of jobs.
251. There's nothing to be ashamed about - lots of people have money problems./lots of.html
252. I played with a few of the new titles, with lots of technical assistance from some computer literati.
253. Some of the more developed countries make lots of arms to sell abroad.
254. She was notorious for having lots of love affairs which she told us all about.
255. There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory.Josh Billings
256. I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money.Pablo Picasso
257. They do lots of fun outdoor activities like canoeing, hiking and camping.
258. Lots of power, abetted by good response from the switching systems, makes for an extremely useable rig.
259. McLean had lots of anecdotal evidence in his training room Monday.
260. Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!Bob Marley
261. Even though things do not go according to plan, Elmer's idea offers lots of amusing possibilities.
262. His theory, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine last June, prompted lots of critics to write in.
263. It's ideal for die-hard command line aficionados, and brings with it lots of switches and specifiers.
264. It was a great slab-sided craft with lots of wooden balconies and curtained windows.
265. What the Navy needs, critics say, is a ship that can fire lots of relatively inexpensive artillery shells.
266. There must be lots of barge owners wanting similar gang-planks.
267. The Czech government does not want to see lots of companies go under because of a new bankruptcy law.
268. Lots of oak, flavors of pineapple and mango, and high alcohol were tasters' impressions here.
269. He accepted that it would be better to give her lots of love and attention for behaving well rather than for behaving badly.
270. It came from the philosophy that kids have to learn how to restructure their world with lots of assistance from the externals.