快好知 kuaihz

lead to造句
121. Sugar and fat can more easily lead to obesity than some other foods. 122. I'd like a friendship that might lead to something deeper, but I wouldn't want to commit myself too soon. 123. The success of the venture may lead to involvement by other foreign companies. 124. The attack failed to lead to any deep penetration of enemy territory. 125. Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention. 126. It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. 127. The changes will lead to more flexible leases, and leases nearer to 15 years than the present norm of 25 years. 128. Worse than all, rubbishy commercials and harmful programmes lead to bad tastes and a distorted viewpoint towards human life. 129. Couldn't the deregulation of broadcasting lead to a lowering of standards? 130. Today's announcement could lead to a further rift over public spending. 131. It will lead to devaluation of a number of European currencies. 132. Satisfactory completion of the course will lead to the award of the Diploma of Social Work. 133. Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion. 134. A full - scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race. 135. Her poor French often lead to misunderstandings when she visits France. 136. Greater spending on education is expected to lead to a large increase in the number of students. 137. Many factors can lead to growth retardation in unborn babies. 138. A degree in English could lead to a career in journalism. 139. Worrying about your weight is more likely to lead to comforting yourself with a piece of chocolate. 140. Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads. 141. Over half of all children in Britain get glue ear at some time before they are 16,[www.] and it can lead to permanent hearing loss. 142. He agreed that these policies will lead to gridlock in the future. 143. The improper use of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions. 144. Such integration will automatically lead to mixed marriages. 145. Infection in these nodes may lead to backache. 146. However, games lead to communication breakdowns. 147. Circumstances such as these can lead to real apprehension about returning to practice. 148. It could lead to public-service announcements by players and officials, Tagliabue said. 149. This may sound obvious, but, sadly, business success will no longer automatically lead to financial success. 150. Too many bureaucratic controls will lead to too little profit.