快好知 kuaihz

instead of造句
61. I will go instead of you. 62. Instead of electricity, there were kerosene lanterns. 63. You can go instead of me, if you want. 64. Could I have tuna instead of ham? 65. We sometimes eat rice instead of potatoes. 66. The fire smoked instead of burning properly. 67. He just gallivants about instead of working. 68. Instead of being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased. 69. He often chopped the ball instead of driving it. 70. Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather. 71. He builds furniture using wooden pegs instead of nails. 72. Costs were minimized by using plastic instead of leather. 73. He walks slowly instead of quickly. 74. He philosophises instead of actually doing something. 75. His success plays his luck instead of his skill. 76. He put a plus instead of a minus. 77. I took your bag instead of mine by mistake. 78. Give me this instead of that. 79. Instead of opening the gate, we climbed over it. 80. Instead of tragedy, we got melodrama. 81. He played the fool at school instead of working. 82. Air-fresheners mask bad smells instead of removing them. 83. Why couldn't he say something original instead of spouting the same old platitudes? 84. Instead of moping around the house all day, you should be out there looking for a job. 85. I've been jumping about the file instead of working straight through it. 86. It's a shame. I should be at work instead of lying here in bed. 87. We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it. 88. Instead of going to the police they let things lie for a couple of months. 89. When you go to a Chinese restaurant you have to use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork. 90. Please program the computer to do the job instead of manual operation.