in the name of造句31 Please, in the name of humanity, lift your eyes above the bottom line.
32 In the name of encouraging creativity, Raskin blessed these outbursts.
33 In the name of controversy, Gedge told a few white lies in early interviews.
34 The welfare state was restricted, and many workers' protections were stripped out in the name of free enterprise.
35 It's time to get out there and lead the Imperial army to victory, in the name of Sigmar and Karl-Franz!
36 Who had persuaded the other to defect, to betray his fundamental principles in the name of personal loyalty?
37 By Enabling Laws the Reich stag empowered the government to legislate in the name of the Reich stag.
38 We are seduced by what science can do in the name of freedom and civilisation.
39 The modern militant opposition forces who claim power in the name of the sacred are only replaying that scenario.
40 Drop envy and jealousy, otherwise there is no possibility - because love cannot exist where envy and jealousies exist. Then your search is only for a certain type of power: that in the name of love you are just trying to fulfill the ego. And it is arduous to drop, because love exists only when all the negative elements of the mind are dropped. It is very arduous.Osho
41 They can take the fun out of sports in the name of religion.
42 There I built a shrine and sacrificed a he-goat in the name of the truth.
43 The stalwarts of the Hunterston Cycle Club are taking to the road again in the name of charity.
44 In the name of economic liberalism, the Thatcher governments made war on traditional institutions and traditional elites.
45 Every activity of the individual citizen is subject to scrutiny by the state, in the name of the public interest.
46 To proceed towards a humanist and democratic ideology and government in the name of human values. 7.
47 There is recognition of the political resistance at home to waging wars against the colonial revolution in the name of anticommunism.
48 Is the war waged in the name of morality, public health, behavior or fighting crime?
49 Public lands returned to original owners in the name of environmental justice will not necessarily lose their conservation status.
50 In the name of self-help, the Masai were asked to pay for the waterworks by selling cattle.
51 Powerless to command a halt to the action, Gleysteen and Wickham drafted a statement in the name of the U.
52 Love is vulnerable to being abused by unscrupulous people who lie, cheat, betray and hate in the name of love.Dr T.P.Chia
53 Why in the name of Bob Dole dressed as Carmen Miranda is that great steaming nonsense still held?
54 Direct Actions 6.1 Ecological expropriation comes down to the coercive transfer of nonpublic land to public owners in the name of conservation.
55 In the name of humanity and self-interest, we ought to be working to change their status to legal.
56 These include massacres and dislocation of civilians in the name of rooting out supposed guerrilla sympathizers.
57 In the name of Freudian nurture theories, gays were once treated with aversion therapy-electric shocks and emetics accompanied by homoerotic images.
58 We will take this action in your name or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy.
59 The scenario of a soldier showing supreme athletic prowess in the name of his country was how de Coubertin imagined the Games.
60 Objections to the creation stories are made up in the name of science.