in the case of造句91) In the case of the visual cortex, no one knows yet.
92) In the case of Sri Lanka, there is no satisfactory answer.
93) In alcoholic liver disease, transplant assessment was considered appropriate in the case of sustained abstinence following medical advice.
94) As in the case of the concord system, constraints seem to differ between one non-standard grammar and another.
95) They were assisted by other emergency teams who might be called upon in the case of a real emergency.
96) In the case of a crossing split into two crossings by a central reservation each crossing should be classed as separate crossings.
97) For a developing country in particular this might be a desirable outcome in the case of non-essential goods.
98) In the case of diseases, the effect of any genetic component is more clear cut.
99) She wanted to emphasize how this was especially true in the case of race.
100) Unlike applications for interception in other criminal cases there was no procedure for judicial authorization in the case of security applications.
101) In the case of equity finance, an investor provides a company with cash in exchange for shares in the company.
102) But in the case of Python that could not be more inappropriate.
103) In the case of emergency, muss discuss it again.
104) In the case of trans-stilbene the results were opposite.
105) In the case of non - Euclidean geometry he published no definitive work.
106) In the case of monopoly, decreasing costs across the entire foreseen range of output is necessary.
107) Or, in the case of the 50 most comely, in front of a Rubens.
108) So, in the case of neuroepithelial neoplasia, he said, they are looking for mutations outside of the 12 base pair segment of the gene.
109) In the case of dielectric breakdown, a different type of acceleration occurs.
110) Amongst more competitive players they have the stigma of being "Noobish" but in the case of the avid turtler, it's better to give a time limit for the whole game and have the game end on your terms.
111) To cover risk of shortage occurring during the course of transit due to breakage of outer packing, or loss of quantity and actual shortage in weight in the case of bulk cargo, but excluding ullage.
112) However, in the case of social networking, that advice comes via a tangible, traceable, ad-supported medium.
113) In the case of SearchText or single image conversion, the output folder is not zipped; the converted files are directly passed to the outputStream.
114) In the case of the ATF, the most fundamental improvement comes in two areas.
115) When a meeting is adjourned for 30 days or more , notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of an original meeting .
116) For instance, in the case of a color property, a visual representation is more desirable.
117) If the electron flow takes place in a vacuum, as in the case of electronic valve, the electrons will travel at considerable speed, since little resistance is offered the medium.
118) In the case of uncertainty, the definition of rationality becomes problematic.
119) Using uranium fission chambers of minitype slab in the case of 14 MeV neutrons penetrating through the special experiment model, the pure 238U absolute fission rates are measured.
120) This has been known for ages but, shockingly, was forgotten in the case of Iceland.