in spite of造句121 In spite of herself, tears welled up in her eyes.
122 They duly arrived at 9.30 in spite of torrential rain.
123 In spite of her hostility, she was attracted to him.
124 Mortlake strode on, ignoring the car, in spite of a further warning hoot.
125 In spite of her good salary, she measured out every dollar needed for household expenses.
126 In spite of everything, Robyn's managed to keep her sense of humor.
127 We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.
128 He always cleaves to his principle in spite of persecution.
129 The reforms went through in spite of opposition from teachers.
130 In spite of last night's terrorist attack, most people seem to be going about their business as if nothing had happened.
131 In spite of the result, we felt we had won a moral victory.
132 In spite of the difficulties it would cause her family, the judge stuck to the letter of the law and jailed her.
133 In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken.
134 Jane's been unfaithful to Jim three times, but he still loves her in spite of everything.
135 They persisted in going there in spite of the bad weather.
136 There's a lot of good in him, in spite of his rudeness.
137 She persisted with her studies in spite of financial problems.
138 In spite of all kinds of obstructions we succeeded in carrying most of our plans through.
139 He loved her in spite of her failings.
140 She was a total mystery to him in spite of their long and successful association.
141 Tilda, in spite of her lack of success with the convent's colouring books, wished to be a marine painter also.
142 The parents accepted their responsibility for helping Mark, but in spite of their efforts, the problem worsened.
143 In spite of the situation we find ourselves in, maybe hydrogen bombs aren't the biggest cause for concern.
144 In spite of the rain's best efforts, I was pleased that I had been able to observe and film interesting mink behaviour.
145 In spite of everything, he had managed to keep Virginia Stillman calm.
146 In spite of complaints by leaders of trade unions many of their members bought up the shares.
147 In spite of his expressed desire to soak up atmosphere, he did not feel at home there.
148 In spite of accounting for only 0.2 percent of a beer's cost, this is naturally felt to be wasteful and undesirable.
149 In spite of depressing circumstances, I was more excited and confident than I had ever been.
150 She gazed around her, impressed in spite of her unease and her determination to appear indifferent.