happen to造句151, All adults need to learn about solvent abuse and to be aware that it could happen to their children.
152, They both love browsing in antique shops wherever they happen to be visiting, and appreciate good quality modern and reproduction designs.
153, It was necessary to acknowledge that the white minority had real fears about what would happen to them.
154, Judaism: Why does this shit always happen to us?
155, Do you happen to know Mr. Cooper's telephone number?
156, He wouldn't happen to be the late lamented's husband?
157, JUDAISM: Why does shit always happen to US?
158, All things happen to God's fatherly providence.
159, I happen to enjoy my ghetto brew affectation.
160, Do you happen to know your own blood group?
161, No thank you; I happen to be teetotal.
162, I happen to like the little bastard too.
163, I just happen to have a chance cube here.
164, What would happen to an ordinary Singaporean?
165, Judaism: Why does shit always happen to us?
166, Many of the new therapies also happen to be incredibly potent.
167, Augustus appearance was happen to provide an opportunity for them.
168, Some fraction of memory cells or transistors in a vertical microcircuit will happen to straddle a boundary between polysilicon grains and will possibly fail as a result.
169, What would happen to me if a ZAP got me while I was in the computer?
170, Would you happen to have that business card in your personal belongings?
171, What's going to happen to the family business if I get a heart attack and die?
172, The same thing is about to happen to space meteorology.
173, But we happen to have a suite available[/happen to.html], with a living room and a kitchenette.
174, Because I've seen it happen to Tim Seward and in the lives of thousands of others.
175, Did she happen to mention that she's a female impersonator?
176, You wouldn't happen to have another pair of pantyhose I could borrow?
177, Therefore, subsequent, uninitialized stack variables that happen to use the same stack area can return values left over from the prior use of this stack memory.
178, It can be in non-Latin characters, which is extremely important if you happen to speak Russian because of the Cyrillic alphabet, or Arabic, or Chinese.
179, When I tell them what have happen to me, they all chortle with mirth.
180, An incident did happen to bolster up and warm her heart.