in a word造句121 As for our method of knowing them, it can be and is summed up in a word, albeit a double-barrelled word: hypothetico-deductive.
122 In a word, this is a perfect managed system on ropeway.
123 But Subject Classification And Code has laconic system, clear plot, and simplicity of operation. In a word, it is good for the paper classification.
124 "said the family practitioner faintly: bowing at the same time to the Doctor, as much as to say, "Excuse my putting in a word, but this is a valuable connexion."
125 It feels profoundly artificial yet deeply real, both high-tech and earthy-crunchy, human and mystically divine — in a word, transcendent.
126 In a word, Chiang Kai - shek's twenty - year rule has been traitorous, dictatorial and against the people.