快好知 kuaihz

61. The country is having a great boom in industry. 62. To be strong,a country must have unity. 63. The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth. 64. A general strike brought the country to a standstill. 65. The country has relatively few cinemas. 66. An indecisive man could never run the country. 67. You can't leave the country without a passport. 68. This is happening in every school throughout the country. 69. He drives so fast along those narrow country lanes. 70. Is the climate hot in your country? 71. Botswana is not a typical African country. 72. The country is fighting to preserve its territorial integrity. 73. The country has become virtually ungovernable. 74. The bank has branches all over the country. 75. Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago. 76. The whole country was horrified by the killings. 77. I kept my headlights undimmed along the country lanes. 78. The country is in dire need of food aid. 79. He defected from a certain country to the West. 80. Since June the country has had a coalition government. 81. They've imposed an economic blockade on the country. 82. How do people celebrate New Year in your country? 83. The country is an economic basket case with chronic unemployment and rampant crime. 84. Agriculture used to be the economic backbone of this country. 85. To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely. 86. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. 87. The country has to import most of its raw materials. 88. Much of the country is uninhabitable because it is desert. 89. The transition from a totalitarian state to a free country will be long and slow. 90. The country has been able to celebrate the return of its independence so brutally snuffed out in 1940.