快好知 kuaihz

121. Begin with this one and do the others afterwards. 122. The pull-out of troops will begin soon. 123. Where does Europe end and Asia begin? 124. To begin a war would be sheer madness. 125. The chairman is waiting to begin . 126. Could I begin with a few formalities? 127. Once you begin, you must continue. 128. The horns of some deer begin to shed. 129. Our school will begin on Sept.3. 130. I can't begin to thank you enough. 131. When does spring end and summer begin? 132. She did not quite know how to begin. 133. Work will begin in October at the very earliest. 134. Shall we begin with a prayer?/begin.html 135. The meeting will begin at nine. 136. We'll go slowly to begin with. 137. Wrap it up,you boys!Let's begin. 138. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin. 139. The meeting will begin at ten o'clock prompt. 140. The entertainment was due to begin at 8.30. 141. The company will soon begin operation. 142. Your suggestion does not begin to meet the difficulty. 143. Most roses will begin to bloom from late May. 144. Their competency doesn't begin to compare. 145. The banks will begin to present their arguments today. 146. She is very honest, to begin with. 147. Few writers even begin to approach Shakespeare's greatness. 148. When did communism begin to unravel in Eastern Europe? 149. The days begin to draw out noticeably. 150. The new century will begin amid much fanfare worldwide.